Hilla Neske

Hilla Neske

Design, Systems

10 stories

Side by side image of a template form showing a skelton-design with to call to action buttons at the bottom with next and back placed differently on each of the two examples.
Three by three grid with while lines with heading tags, UI components, and shades of grey in rectangles in the grid, with a purple-blue gradiant background
Hilla Neske

Hilla Neske

AI and Design

4 stories

Illustration of a compass in a topographical map depicting the complexity of navigating rugged terrain as an analogy for generative AI user experiences
A purple gradient button labeled ‘Generate’ with a sparkle icon
Hilla Neske

Hilla Neske

Digital product designer & Brand buidling. Clearing the fogg creating insight, beauty and delight. 🌿 Find me on www.hilla.com