Immersion Starts with Sound

Adding Amazing Background Music to Your Game

John C Hills
2 min readJun 22, 2022

I am not able to think of a single game I have played that did not have audio. Not having audio in your game would be like having macaroni without cheese, or peanut butter without jelly. They are all ok without the other, but when put together….IT IS AMAZING!

Just as we have so often in my previous articles, right-click in your Hierarchy, then click “Create Empty”. Rename this from GameObject to Audio_Manager.

The next thing we need to do is create an empty object within the Audio_Manager, which will be dedicated to only the background music.

  • Right-click Audio_Manager, and then click Create Empty.
  • Rename this new GameObject to Background.
  • With Background selected, click Add Component in the Inspector.
  • Start typing Audio Source, and click “Audio Source” when you see it appear.
  • Drag your background music file, from your Audio folder in the Project pane, to the AudioClip box within the Audio Source component.
  • Add a checkmark to Play On Awake and Loop, if they are not already checked.

Now you can save your scene and run your game to test the audio.

I would like to thank all of you who took the time to read this article. Follow me on Medium for great articles. Please Like and Comment.



John C Hills

I was a Naval Nuclear Machinist, owned a PC tech business for 2+ decades, own ByteString Studio Games, and started designing games on the Commodore 64 in 1984.