More Productive Editor Layout in Unity

Optimizing Workflow with a “Professional Layout”

John C Hills
3 min readApr 25, 2022

Before making changes, it is best to change your current layout back to “Default”, if it is not already. If you have never changed your layout, it might say “Layout” in the dropdown menu. If you have changed it at some point, it could say “Default”, “Tall”, or whatever name you saved as your own personal layout.

  • Click the “Layout” dropdown menu, which you will find at the top right corner of the editor.
  • To make the changes for our “Professional Layout”, we will start by selecting the “Tall” layout.

We choose “Tall” for a couple of reasons:

  1. The “Scene” window is bigger.
  2. The “Hierarchy”, “Inspector”, and “Project” views are placed in very professional, and optimized locations, relative to one another.
  • Now, left click, hold, and drag your “Game” view below your “Scene” view.
  • Then stretch your “Game” view up to where it is about level with the “Project” view.

This already gives the editor a very clean look. When selecting your scene objects, you now have easy access to the detailed information from the “Inspector” view.

Having your editor set up this way will optimize your workflow.

If you are building a vertical mobile app, you can drag the “Game” view to the right of the “Scene” view. This gives you the ability to view your work like it was a mobile phone or tablet screen in vertical view. The steps to do this are virtually identical to the steps for moving the “Game” view below the “Scene” view.

Now we will change how we view our project files. Currently, we cannot view more than one folder. Let’s change this to a more optimal view.

  • Click the dropdown menu located at the top right corner of the “Project” view.
  • Select “One Column Layout”.

This converts it from a preview mode to a list mode.

You now have your layout set to a more optimized, professional design. We are not finished yet. If you want this layout to be available the next time you open your editor, you need to save this new layout.

  • Click the layout dropdown menu, and select “Save layout”.
  • Enter the name you want to give the layout. I suggest using, “Professional Layout”.
  • Click “Save”, and you will now have the new “Professional Layout” available to you, any time you use the editor.

Your new “Professional Layout” is now saved, and ready to use.

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this article. I hope you found it informative and helpful.



John C Hills

I was a Naval Nuclear Machinist, owned a PC tech business for 2+ decades, own ByteString Studio Games, and started designing games on the Commodore 64 in 1984.