Lasik Surgery — What is the procedure before, during, and after the surgery?

Himanshi Kaushik
4 min readSep 27, 2023


Lasik Surgery has changed its way in many different ways, it brings so many innovations in terms of technologies and many more in the last decade. New technology has been invented by scientists like Bladeless Femto Lasik, and it has made the procedure even safer and more precise. People who are considering LASIK for specs removal usually have a lot of questions related to LASIK. We are attempting to these questions to provide all the necessary information.


Before the Lasik procedure:
Before undergoing the procedure, ophthalmologists need to take several tests to ensure your eligibility for further procedures. Below are the following informations:

Pre-Lasik Evaluation:
The pre-Lasik analysis is the most important part to get the procedure smooth. It helps to analyze the suitability of an individual for Lasik and helps in deciding the most suitable procedure for the patient. It decides on the basis of medical reports. Here are the several tests to check the eligibility for further procedures such as eye pressure, eye power, corneal evaluation, optic nerve, and retina evaluation, etc. these tests help to check the corneal thickness, dry eyes, corneal diameter, pupil size, and many more.

Consultation with Lasik Surgeon.
During the consultation, the ophthalmologist will discuss your suitability for the latest procedure. He may suggest suitable surgery as per your test reports. He may discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives of Lasik surgery so that you may have a better understanding of the procedure. The surgeon will also make you understand the ‘do’s and don’t’ before or after the surgery. At this particular stage, you may ask anything to an eye surgeon related to your Lasik.

Who wears Contact Lenses:
All those who wear contact lenses on a daily basis need to stop wearing contact lenses a few days prior to undergoing the procedure. Contact lenses may alter the actual size of the cornea which should be normal during the surgery.

Ignore eye cosmetics:
If you are sure to go ahead with the Lasik Procedure then it is better to say no to eye cosmetics and creams around your eyes at least for 2 to 3 days prior to the procedure. These products may apply on eyelashes and lid margins which can increase the risk of eye infections after the Lasik procedure.

The day of Surgery:
If you are prepared for Lasik, it is always better to wrap up all your urgent work before arriving at the hospital for the surgery and sit in a relaxed state of mind. Arrange your transport for arriving and leaving the hospital carefully because you’re not able to drive on the day of the LASIK procedure.

• Remove all your make-up before coming to the center for the Lasik procedure.
• It is advisable to refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, and aftershave, as it can interfere with the procedure.
• It is always better to have a light meal before arriving for Lasik Surgery.
• It is important to wear comfortable clothes something which you can wear after the procedure and throughout the night.
• You will be asked to read and sign the final form for Lasik.

What to expect during the Procedure:
• You will be getting numbing drops.
• Clean the eyes by eye surgeons
• Lasik surgery didn’t require any injections or general anesthesia during the procedure
• It hardly takes 10–15 minutes to get the procedure done

What will be the procedure?
Once you are prepared for the procedure, you will be taken to the operation theatre and made to lie down for the Lasik Procedure. Your surgeon will start proceeding with the Lasik. If you have chosen the Femto Lasik procedure as it is the best procedure to get rid of your glasses.

In Femto Lasik flap creation is already done with the help of another laser called femtosecond laser. No blade will be used during the procedure and laser light will hit your eye and your procedure is almost done.

What to do after surgery?
In the initial phase of the surgery may experience some discomfort, tearing, burning, and itching. Your vision will be hazy and blurry. These problems will improve within a few days after the Lasik procedure.
Regular follow-ups: Your surgeon will be asked to visit the hospital to complete all follow-ups to check your vision health properly.

Do’s & don’t post Lasik Procedure:
• Avoid dirty water and dust from entering the eye for the first few weeks.
• Avoid using soap and shampoo around the eyes.
• Avoid swimming in pools, Jacuzzis, or sea for at least 4 weeks post-surgery.
• Avoid hair coloring or any hair styling appliance for at least 2 weeks
• Avoid the gym and exercise for at least 3 weeks.
• Avoid any kind of Eye Makeup for at least 3 weeks.

When will I get my vision back?
You can restart your work from the next day of the procedure. It is always important to take all prescriptions seriously which are given by ophthalmologists. Come for all the follow-ups as per the surgeon’s advice.

If you are convinced to go for Lasik and you are confused about where to go? Don’t worry, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals got you all covered. Sharp Sight is the best lasik hospital in East Delhi for rocedures to go with. Come and experience the best services at Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals.



Himanshi Kaushik

Writer | Social Media Person | A Happy Soul