Himanshi Gawra
4 min readJun 8, 2023


Coding may seem like a mundane task that involves sitting in front of a computer, typing lines of code, and testing them for errors repeatedly. However, the truth is that coding is a highly creative activity that requires the use of the imagination, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Coding is an important skill which needs a creative and intuitive mind. It is very important to be able to think outside the box when coding, as there are infinite solutions to each problem and endless things to create. This helps children create the mindset that there is not always one solution to a problem and that it is great to build upon and make better solutions even if you already have one. Can coding help with creativity?

This kind of 'whole-brain' thinking is fundamental aspect for every child to improve. It is true coding boosts our brain and also increases creativity, analyzing of problems, and logical thinking of solving problems. Coding can also play a prominent role in strengthening the brains of every kid.

Coding is an excellent way to improve your creativity and to boost your mental agility, and here’s how:


Coding is all about trial and error. When you start coding, you try different possibilities to find the best solution to a problem or to create a program that would work optimally. This process encourages experimentation and creative thinking. You will come up with different solutions to the same problem, which will help you refine your programming skills and develop an intuition for programming.


Coding forces them to ask questions. While doing tests they will get errors for which they have to think different ways to solve a single problem. With practice kids become proficient and gain experience in technical skills, allowing them to go forward in solving increasingly complex problems, and eventually building programs completely on their own.


Coding is a form of self-expression, just like writing or painting. The ability to write code that effectively communicates your ideas to others requires a level of creativity and imagination. A well-crafted program can be a thing of beauty, and coding allows you to express your creativity in the tools and software that you develop.


Coding, especially when you are just starting out, can be challenging and frustrating. However, if you persist and keep working on your code, you will eventually overcome those obstacles and succeed. The practice of coding promotes a growth mindset, which is the belief that your abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. This mindset is helpful in all areas of life, as it encourages a focus on learning and growth rather than on innate abilities.


Coding enables us to think logically and it boosts creativity, problem solving and enhances brain’s capacity in various ways.


Coding is all about trial and error. When you start coding, you try different possibilities to find the best solution to a problem or to create a program that would work optimally. This process encourages experimentation and creative thinking. You will come up with different solutions to the same problem, which will help you refine your programming skills and develop an intuition for programming.

This kind of ‘whole-brain’ thinking is fundamental aspect for every child to improve. It is true coding boosts our brain and also increases creativity, analyzing of problems, and logical thinking of solving problems. Coding can also play a prominent role in strengthening the brains of every kid.

Thus, learning to code introduces students to a whole new world of creative possibilities. Coding bridges the gap between imagination and reality, between conceptualization and tangibility. In other words, learning to code provides students with the ability to take what is in their minds and bring it to life on their computer screens. At Codeverse, children do this by creating their very own game or app, complete with unique characters, goals, point systems, levels, and more!

One of the most important aspects of creativity is getting comfortable with the process of creation. It’s not easy to create. Most children are exposed to endless sources of entertainment, which they learn to consume nonstop. Consuming is easy, while creating is hard.

Encourage your children to code, and they’ll become creators rather than just consumers. The simplest way to accomplish this is to show them that the games they play are all based on coding. coding is an excellent way to improve your creativity skills. It encourages experimentation, logical thinking, problem-solving skills, self-expression, and a growth mindset. These skills are all crucial for success in today’s world, whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, or a student. So, start coding today, and see how it can improve your creativity and boost your mental agility!

