Decoding H1B Trends

A Comprehensive Analysis of 2022 and 2023 Data

Himanshi Khatri
3 min readDec 17, 2023

Hey folks! So, I’ve been on this wild data dive into the H1B world, specifically checking out the USCIS data for 2022 and 2023. And guess what? I’ve got some cool insights to share about the struggles and victories of international students in snagging those H1B sponsorships. Join me as we unravel the story behind the numbers.

Chart 1: Table of Initial Approvals by Employer and State

Alright, let’s kick things off with Chart 1, a bit like our H1B leaderboard. Picture this:

Chart 1: Preview — Table of Initial Approvals by Employer and State

Top Employers in Descending Order: I’ve sorted the table to show the big players — employers who snagged the most initial H1B approvals — in a cool descending order for both years.

Meet the Employers and States: Each row spills the beans on an employer and where they got the approvals. You get this neat geographical breakdown.

You’ve got your heavy hitters and a sneak peek into which states are rocking the sponsorship game. For us international students, this is like having a secret map to where the opportunities are hottest. Let’s dive in!

Chart 2: Line Chart of Initial and Continuing Approvals by Employer

Now, onto Chart 2, where we’ve got a groovy line chart telling the story of initial and continuing approvals:

Chart 2: Preview — Line Chart of Initial and Continuing Approvals by Employer

Names on the X-axis: The X-axis is like a roll call of employers, showing how they fared in both initial and continuing approvals.

Roller Coaster of Trends: Picture a roller coaster — these lines show the ups and downs for each employer in the approval game.

Chart 2 is like the heartbeat of H1B trends. It’s a roller coaster of approvals, showing the highs and lows. It’s like peeking into the backstage drama of which companies are doubling down on international talent and who might need to step up their game.

Chart 3: Pie Chart of Petition Cities and Initial Approvals

And for our finale, Chart 3, a pie chart that spills the beans on where the action is happening:

Chart 3: Preview — Pie Chart of Petition Cities and Initial Approvals

Slices of the Pie: Each slice is a city, and the size tells you how much action — read approvals — they’re getting.

City Spotlight: It’s like a spotlight on cities, showing which ones are stealing the show in terms of H1B approvals.

Chart 3 takes us on a city tour, shining a spotlight on where the action is. If you’re eyeing specific cities for job hunts, this one’s your treasure map.

So, after this deep dive into H1B land, what have we learned? These charts aren’t just numbers; they’re stories. Stories of triumphs, challenges, and the heartbeat of the job market for us international students. Make use of this list and trends to create job alerts for roles which come out in your target employers.

Note: Source Data is extracted from USCIS Data Hub. This analysis is for personal purposes and is not intended to harm or criticize any specific company or employer. The goal is to provide insights and empower fellow international students on their career journey.



Himanshi Khatri

Hello I'm Himanshi, grad at UNCC, former software engineer at Oracle Cerner, I've contributed to healthcare solutions and enhanced application performance.