My 2018 Year in Review and Plans for 2019

Himanshu Dixit
2 min readJan 1, 2019


A year full of memories, both good and bad, each having its own story and leaving an impact on you for your lifetime. 2018 had been great for me, if I had to describe it in one word then it would be Roller Coaster Ride.

So, let’s go back in the time and looks the good things.

  • Delivered two talks 💼💼 — One of the best experiences of my life, the feeling of overcoming the fear you had for last 10 years is amazing :D. And getting some compliments after the talk from the audience is so wonderful.
  • Visited two countries: USA and Singapore. It’s so amazing to live in different countries and interact with the locals. You make a lot of new friends and take precious memories with you.

Also, I managed to spend my day under 3$ in the most expensive city in the world ‘New York’. Wanna know how, DM me :D.

  • Read 20+ books — Here’s the list of some books I recommed, SPRINT, The Mom Test, Mind Hacking, HABIT, CREATIVITY. INC.
  • Working with amazing startups :- It was an wonderful oppurtunities to work with highly enthusiastic and smart people, and take things back from them.
  • Got selected for Digital Product School, Munich :- It is a 3 months long product development program. I was selected for the batch 6 (Jan to March) of DPS. In a team of 4 with 2 software developers, 1 designer, and 1 product manager each; you have to work with companies including BMW, Audi, Facebook, and IBM; researching about the currently faced consumer problems, ideating about the solutions and finally building a product.
  • Meditation :- the best way to calm down your mind and the inner thoughts, I tried the traceback meditation.
  • Eliminated Subvocalization :- Do you hear a sound while you’re reading something? If yes, then that voice is called Subvocalization. And it generally reduces your reading speed by half. If you have to one personal development this year, then this must be on your top of the list.

Some bad things

  • Lost 6 Digits in Crypto Investement — the best example of how things can go wrong if dealt with emotions rather than with an analytical mindset. But this had made me more informed as an investor and how to deal with money.
  • Lost my brother — ‘Depression is Real’. The feeling of losing someone with whom you spend your whole life is one of the worst feelings, it makes you question your existence, you become more vulnerable emotionally.

My Plans for 2019

  • Eat, Sleep and Exercise
  • Visit new countries and accumulate more experiences.
  • Wake up at 4 am everyday
  • Become more accontable as a person.
  • More books, but now this time the technical ones.
  • Making new friends :D, would love to get on coffee and discuss things with you.

So this was 2018 year in review, Will share the next review in 2020 ;). Hopefully, it’ll be a long one, filled with good memories.



Himanshu Dixit

Creator @ ✨✨Polyglot eng👨‍💻👨‍💻 UI designer 😍😍 Product ❤️❤️, like to solve my problems. Hit me up for — Eng, Design, Product.