Healing Scars: Meet Jaipur’s Top Keloid Specialist for Radiant Skin Clinic, Jaipur — Dr. Vishal Chugh

Dr. Vishal Chugh
4 min readAug 2, 2023



Scars are a natural part of the body’s healing process, but keloids can be a cause of concern for many individuals. Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that can extend beyond the original wound site. They often appear as lumps or ridges and can be itchy and uncomfortable. Fortunately, residents of Jaipur have access to one of the finest specialists in the field of keloid treatment — Dr. Vishal Chugh from Radiant Skin Clinic.

Who is Dr. Vishal Chugh?

Dr. Vishal Chugh is a renowned dermatologist and a pioneer in treating keloids in Jaipur. With an impressive track record of successful treatments and a vast experience in dermatology, he has earned the reputation of being the best keloid doctor in Jaipur. Dr. Chugh is known for his compassionate approach, commitment to patient care, and staying updated with the latest advancements in dermatology.

The Radiant Skin Clinic: A Beacon of Hope

Radiant Skin Clinic, Jaipur, is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with cutting-edge technology to address various skin concerns. Under the guidance of Dr. Vishal Chugh, the clinic has gained recognition as a leading center for keloid treatment. Patients at Radiant Skin Clinic experience personalized care and receive treatments tailored to their unique needs.

Best Keloid Treatment in Jaipur: How Dr. Vishal Chugh Excels

1. Comprehensive Consultation:

Dr. Vishal Chugh believes in understanding the patient’s medical history and examining the keloid before suggesting a suitable treatment plan. He listens to the patient’s concerns and ensures that they are well-informed about the procedure and expected outcomes.

2. Non-Surgical Treatments:

In most cases, keloids can be treated without surgery. Dr. Chugh offers a range of non-surgical treatments, including corticosteroid injections, cryotherapy, laser therapy, and silicone gel sheets. These treatments help flatten the keloid and reduce redness and itching.

3. Surgical Options:

In certain cases where non-surgical methods might not suffice, Dr. Chugh may recommend surgical excision of the keloid. He performs the procedure with precision to minimize the chances of recurrence.

4. Innovative Therapies:

As a leading dermatologist, Dr. Vishal Chugh keeps himself updated with the latest advancements in keloid treatment. He offers innovative therapies like intralesional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and laser-assisted drug delivery to enhance treatment effectiveness.

FAQs about Keloids and their Treatment

1. What causes keloids?

Keloids form due to an overproduction of collagen during the healing process of a wound, injury, or surgery. Certain genetic factors and skin types are more prone to keloid formation.

2. Are keloids dangerous?

Keloids are not harmful to health, but they can cause discomfort, itchiness, and affect a person’s self-esteem due to their appearance.

3. Can keloids be completely cured?

While complete cure is not always possible, effective treatment can significantly reduce the size and symptoms of keloids.

4. Is keloid treatment painful?

The treatment procedure is generally well-tolerated by patients. Local anesthesia is often used during surgical excision for minimal discomfort.

5. How many sessions are required for keloid treatment?

The number of sessions depends on the size, location, and response to treatment. Non-surgical treatments may require multiple sessions.

Different Procedures for Keloid Treatment

1. Corticosteroid Injections:

This involves injecting corticosteroids directly into the keloid to reduce inflammation and flatten the scar.

2. Cryotherapy:

Liquid nitrogen is applied to freeze the keloid, causing it to shrink in size.

3. Laser Therapy:

Laser treatment can help break down excess collagen and improve the appearance of keloids.

4. Silicone Gel Sheets:

These sheets are applied to the keloid to soften and flatten the scar over time.

5. Surgical Excision:

In this procedure, the keloid is surgically removed, and the wound is closed with sutures.


Dr. Vishal Chugh, Jaipur’s top keloid specialist at Radiant Skin Clinic, has been transforming the lives of individuals struggling with keloid scars. His expertise, along with the state-of-the-art facilities at Radiant Skin Clinic, ensures the best keloid treatment in Jaipur. If you are looking for a compassionate and experienced dermatologist to address your keloid concerns, Dr. Vishal Chugh is undoubtedly the go-to expert in Jaipur. Don’t let keloids hold you back from having radiant skin; schedule a consultation with Dr. Chugh today and take the first step towards a scar-free future.

