How Tech Giants are changing the way we talk for the Better?

Choudhary Himanshu
3 min readDec 13, 2021


The first telephone was invented in 1875, and it revolutionized the way we communicated with one another. People could now communicate with one another from great distances. Then came the next big revolution: video calls, which not only allowed people to communicate with each other but also allowed them to see each other. But the desire to meet someone remained. And now, the next great communication revolution is on its way. Google and Microsoft are on the verge of creating a new mode of communication with their massive projects. Today, Google and Microsoft are attempting to develop this type of communication mode with their new projects “Project Starline” and “Mesh.”

Project Starline

Google stated at its I/O conference this year that it had been working on a project for the previous few years with the goal of revolutionizing the way we interact. Project Starline, as Google describes it, “combines breakthroughs in technology and software to enable friends, family, and coworkers to feel connected, even when they’re cities(or countries) apart.”

We have all been unable to meet many of our close friends and family members for the past year owing to the Corona outbreak. Traditional phone or video calls assist us in talking with one another to some extent, but the need to meet the person persists. This is the main issue that Google’s Project Starline is attempting to address. People will still be unable to meet, but they will have the impression that the person is standing right in front of them.

Technology Behind It

The question is how Google will complete such a mega mind-blowing project. Google employs an “8K screen, four GPUs, four microphones, and a whole bunch of cameras,”. “ To achieve its communication goal, Google employs the ideas of 3D imaging, real-time compression, and 3-D display. But don’t get it mixed up with video conferencing. It’s a lot more than that. Users situated in specific booths seated in various locations can see each other because of Starline’s technology, which provides a sense of depth.

When will it be Commercialized?

Google has high hopes for Starline, but it is still in its early stages. Google says it plans to begin the trial with media and healthcare companies, but no date has been set. They haven’t said anything about pricing yet.

Google is currently focusing on expanding more Starline booths in its offices and experimenting with it more. The trial would then begin with the media and medical companies. Then it will be available to the general public.

Microsoft’s Mesh: A Possible rival of Starline

When it comes to revolutionizing communication technology, Microsoft is not far behind. Mesh, according to Microsoft, will enable people to connect, share across space, and collaborate with one another regardless of their physical location. It creates a 3-D avatar of the person with whom you are communicating, similar to Google’s Starline. Mesh, unlike Starline, does not require you to sit in a separate booth to communicate with one another. Furthermore, Google is focusing on personal communications, whereas Mesh is focusing on professional meetings.


I know this project sounds very cool, but we have to hold our horses because both projects are still in the works. If these projects are successful, they will be considered one of the major technological feats in the field of communication in the twenty-first century. Google and Microsoft are two of the most powerful technology companies, and they always have a vision for the future. But, for the time being, nothing can be said about the price or the time it will take for the products to be commercialized.



Choudhary Himanshu

In college first year. Do not have much long term goals for now. Just wants to explore various fields, and let's see in which field I find the soothing peace.