Understanding SQL Injection: A Serious Web Application Vulnerability

Himanshu Nagi
3 min readApr 15, 2023


Web applications have become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with various functionalities such as online shopping, social media, banking, and more. However, with the increased reliance on web applications, the security of these applications has become a growing concern. One of the most common and serious vulnerabilities in web applications is SQL injection. In this article, we will explore what SQL injection is, how it works, and how to prevent it.

What is SQL Injection? SQL injection is a type of web application vulnerability where an attacker injects malicious SQL (Structured Query Language) code into a web application’s input fields or parameters. The malicious SQL code is then executed by the application’s database, allowing the attacker to manipulate the database and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or perform other malicious activities.

How Does SQL Injection Work? Web applications often use databases to store and retrieve data. When a user interacts with a web application by submitting a form or entering data, the application uses SQL queries to communicate with the database and retrieve or modify the data. However, if the web application does not properly validate and sanitize user input before using it in SQL queries, it can be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

An attacker can exploit SQL injection by inputting malicious SQL code into the application’s input fields or parameters. For example, consider a login form that takes a username and password as input and queries the database with the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'input_username' AND password = 'input_password';

If the web application does not properly validate and sanitize the input_username and input_password, an attacker can input malicious SQL code such as:

' OR '1'='1

The resulting SQL query would become:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR '1'='1' AND password = '' OR '1'='1';

As ‘1’=’1' is always true, the query would return all rows from the users table, allowing the attacker to bypass the authentication and gain unauthorized access.

Types of SQL Injection: There are several types of SQL injection attacks that an attacker can use to exploit a vulnerable web application:

  1. In-band SQL Injection: In this type of attack, the attacker directly injects malicious SQL code into the application’s input fields or parameters and retrieves the results in-band, i.e., the results are displayed on the web page.
  2. Blind SQL Injection: In this type of attack, the attacker injects malicious SQL code into the application’s input fields or parameters, but the results are not displayed on the web page. The attacker then uses techniques to infer the results indirectly, such as using conditional statements or timing delays.
  3. Out-of-band SQL Injection: In this type of attack, the attacker injects malicious SQL code into the application’s input fields or parameters and retrieves the results out-of-band, i.e., through a different channel such as email or DNS.

Consequences of SQL Injection: SQL injection can have severe consequences for a web application and its users. Some of the potential consequences of SQL injection attacks include:

  1. Unauthorized access to sensitive data: Attackers can gain access to sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and other confidential data stored in a web application’s database.
  2. Data modification or deletion: Attackers can modify or delete data stored in a web application’s database, leading to data integrity issues and loss of critical information.
  3. Privilege escalation: Attackers can escalate their privileges and gain administrative access to a web application,

