Top 7 ways To Get More Followers On Twitter In 2024

Himangshu Kalita
3 min readJun 19, 2021


When giving effect to our blog, website or online business, Twitter is key because it can help us to expand the number of visitors to our website, to retain our customers or just position ourselves as a reference person.

Quality matters

It is important to be present in Twitter regularly, but more important is the quality of the messages you send and that can generate interest. Here I’ll show you some simple tips that will help you improve the number of people who follow you on Twitter, Focus on your target group, of course!

Tips to apply within Twitter to Increase Follower in 2024

1. Show your face

Photography is the first thing you see when a person visits your profile. Always put an image that is representative of you or what you want to communicate. You can put caricatures of yourself, your store logo or just a picture of you. Remember that a pair of eyes always catch more attention than a logo, so I recommend always add a photo, even if you cut a little.

2. Always use hashtags

The hastags (#) are your allies in giving visibility to your tweets. Hastags correctly using the keywords you want to emphasize you can be found by people doing research about a certain topic on Twitter. Making good use of hashtags you get to reach people who are not your fans, but who are interested in topics that you talk. Do not abuse the hashtags, use them correctly (over 2 is counterproductive) and only on the keywords in your tweet.

3. Think you follow other

If you’re new to Twitter you will see a very interesting behavior is that when you follow someone, they tend to follow you. Beware this behavior because some people use it for spamming other users. Remember that, as with friendship, how important Twitter is not the number of followers you have but the quality of these. Better to have 100 followers who are interested in what you say and you are your target audience, to 1000 followers who understand nothing of what you say.

4.Be creative

Power to the imagination. Use Twitter not only to share ideas and interesting articles but also to promote competitions and offers. Make a competition and you’ll see how many followers you go! This strategy is perfect for e-commerce and general websites.

Tips to apply outside Twitter to get More followers in 2024

5. Traditional Media

Advertise your Twitter account whenever you can, in the footer of your page, in each of your posts, in your email signature, on your business cards, on your product packaging, labels, etc..

6. Use Facebook, Linkedin and other social media

Post updates on other pages encouraging people to follow you on Twitter. I recommend them with questions that provoke their curiosity to bite you go forward.

7. Post articles on pages and external blogs

The relationship between post articles on blogs that are not the official yours and get more followers (followers) is very clear. When you publish quality articles on other sites you’re exposing a group of people outside of your circle.
Always make sure your item is accompanied by a small box which explains:

Who are
Your experience
Your profile on Twitter and other social media
A photograph

This way you get more visibility and reach your target through the symbiosis that will exist with the web where you publish the article: You give them content and they bring you new faces.

Have some other strategy to get more followers? Share it!



Himangshu Kalita

Himangshu Kalita is an Assamese Blogger, content creator, SEO specialist 🚀You can Read More About my Journey here🔥