A Beginner’s Guide to Prolog: Unlocking the Power of Logic Programming

Himasha Silva
4 min readOct 14, 2023


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Logical Programming vs. Functional Programming

At this point, you might be wondering how Prolog differs from functional programming, a paradigm you might be more familiar with. In functional programming, you specify how to compute a result using functions and transformations, while in Prolog, you specify what you want to achieve through logical rules and relationships.

The key difference lies in the declarative nature of Prolog, which allows it to express problems in a way that closely resembles human reasoning. Functional programming, on the other hand, emphasizes immutability, higher-order functions, and a focus on “how” to achieve a result.

Comparison between Logical Programming and Functional Programming

Prolog, short for “Programming in Logic,” is a unique and powerful programming language that’s based on the principles of formal logic. In the world of computer science, Prolog stands out for its ability to tackle problems that involve complex rules, knowledge representation, and intricate relationships. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced programmer, this guide will help you grasp the basics of Prolog and set the stage for your journey into the world of logic programming.

What is Prolog?

At its core, Prolog is a declarative, rule-based language. Unlike imperative languages like Python or C++, which specify “how” a task should be done, Prolog focuses on “what” you want to accomplish. It enables you to define a set of rules and facts, and then it automatically infers answers to questions based on those rules and facts. In other words, Prolog is about logical reasoning and problem-solving.


Such types of relationship problems can be solved by using logic programming(Prolog).

The Building Blocks of Prolog

1. Facts and Rules

In Prolog, everything revolves around facts and rules. Facts are simple statements that express something as true. For instance, you might define a fact like this:


This fact states that John is a human.

Rules, on the other hand, are more complex and involve logical relationships between facts. Here’s an example:

intelligent(X) :- is_human(X).

This rule says that if X is a human (as per the is_human fact), then X is intelligent.

2. Queries

In Prolog, you can pose questions to the system by using queries. For example, you can ask whether John is intelligent:

?- intelligent(john).

Prolog will evaluate this query and determine if John is intelligent based on the rules and facts you’ve defined.

3. Variables

Variables in Prolog are placeholders for values. You can use them in queries to find possible values that satisfy your conditions. For example:

?- intelligent(X).

Prolog will find all values of X that are intelligent based on your defined rules and facts.

How Prolog is Used

Prolog finds its applications in various domains:

  • Expert Systems: Prolog is often used to build expert systems that can make decisions and provide expert-level knowledge in specific domains.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Prolog’s declarative nature makes it suitable for parsing and processing natural language. Many NLP applications use Prolog for language understanding.
  • Puzzle Solving: Prolog’s logical reasoning capabilities make it great for solving puzzles, from Sudoku to crossword puzzles.
  • Knowledge Representation: It’s used for representing and reasoning over complex knowledge structures.

Getting Started with Prolog

To start coding in Prolog, you’ll need a Prolog interpreter or system like SWI-Prolog.You can download SWI Prolog through the below link:

SWI-Prolog downloads

Install it on your system, and you’re ready to go.

In the next article in this series, we’ll dive deeper into creating your first Prolog program, understanding more complex rules, and exploring how to use Prolog for practical problem-solving.

Stay tuned and get ready to unlock the full potential of Prolog!

