Demystifying Annotations in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide

Himasha Silva
7 min readSep 20, 2023


Spring Boot: Revolutionizing Java Application Development

Spring Boot, an extension of the Spring Framework, has become synonymous with building production-ready Java applications with minimal effort. It provides a comprehensive ecosystem of tools, libraries, and conventions that streamline the development process. Gone are the days of XML configurations and complex setup rituals. Spring Boot has ushered in an era where developers can focus on solving business problems rather than wrestling with infrastructure concerns.

At the heart of Spring Boot’s magic are annotations — little nuggets of information that instruct the framework on how to manage components, handle HTTP requests, and configure the application context.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey to demystify annotations in Spring Boot. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of these essential building blocks, empowering you to write cleaner, more maintainable code and accelerate your Java application development.

What Are Annotations in Spring Boot?

Spring Annotations are a form of metadata that provides data about a program which are used to provide supplemental information about a program.

Annotations are a powerful feature in both Java and, more specifically, in the Spring Boot framework.They serve as hints to the underlying system on how to process and handle specific classes, methods, or fields.

In Java, annotations are introduced with the @ symbol and placed just above the element they are associated with. Spring Boot leverages Java annotations to make it easier for developers to configure and manage their applications without the need for extensive XML or programmatic configurations.

One of the primary reasons annotations are essential in Spring Boot projects is their ability to simplify configuration and reduce boilerplate code. Traditional Java applications often required verbose XML or property files to configure various aspects of the application, such as defining beans, specifying routing rules, or setting up database connections. These configurations were not only cumbersome but also prone to errors.

With annotations, Spring Boot adopts a more “code over configuration” approach. Instead of external configuration files, developers can use annotations directly in their code, right where the application components are defined. This approach not only streamlines the configuration process but also makes the codebase more readable and maintainable. Annotations allow developers to express their intentions concisely, which the framework can then interpret to set up the application as desired.

Popular Annotations in Spring Boot

  1. @SpringBootApplication:

This annotation is often placed on the main class of a Spring Boot application. It combines three other annotations: @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan. It signifies that this class is the entry point of the Spring Boot application.

By using @SpringBootApplication, you enable Spring Boot's auto-configuration features, which automatically configure various beans and settings based on your project's dependencies. It also scans for components (like controllers, services, and repositories) in the package where the main class is located and its sub-packages.


public class MySpringBootApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

2. @Controller, @RestController, and @RequestMapping:

These annotations are used to create web controllers in a Spring Boot application.

  • @Controller marks a class as a controller and is typically used for traditional MVC applications.
  • @RestController is a specialized version of @Controller that's used for building RESTful APIs. It automatically serializes return values to JSON.
  • @RequestMapping is used at the method level to map HTTP requests to specific controller methods.

These annotations are essential for handling incoming HTTP requests and defining the endpoints of your application.


public class MyController {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello, World!";

3. @Service:

The @Service annotation is used to declare a class as a service component in a Spring Boot application. Service components contain the business logic of an application and are typically used for processing data or performing operations.

By annotating a class with @Service, you allow Spring Boot to discover and manage it as a Spring bean, making it available for dependency injection.


public class MyService {
public String performSomeAction() {
// Business logic here

4. @Repository:

The @Repository annotation is used to declare a class as a repository for data access operations. It's commonly used in conjunction with Spring Data JPA to interact with databases.

By annotating a class with @Repository, you indicate to Spring Boot that this class is responsible for database operations. Spring Boot then provides exceptions translation for database-specific exceptions and performs other necessary configurations.


public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
// Data access methods defined here

5. @Autowired:

@Autowired is an annotation used for automatic dependency injection, which means that Spring Boot automatically provides the necessary dependencies (beans) to your classes, so you don’t have to create instances manually.When applied to a field, constructor, or setter method, it tells Spring Boot to inject a bean of the corresponding type into the annotated component.

This annotation simplifies the process of wiring up components, eliminating the need to manually create and configure beans.


public class MyService {
private final MyRepository repository;

public MyService(MyRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;

6. @Value:

The @Value annotation in Spring Boot is a versatile tool for injecting values from properties files, environment variables, or other sources into Spring beans. It allows you to externalize configuration and customize your application without modifying code.


public class MyService {
private String apiUrl;

7. @Configuration and @Bean:

The @Configuration and @Bean annotations in Spring Boot are used together to define custom configurations and create Spring beans explicitly. They allow you to configure and customize your application's components, often in cases where Spring Boot's auto-configuration is insufficient or when you need to create beans with specific configurations.

@Configuration Annotation:

  • The @Configuration annotation is used to indicate that a class contains one or more bean definitions and should be processed by the Spring container to generate Spring beans.
  • This annotation is typically applied to a Java class, and it signifies that the class plays a role in configuring the application context.

@Bean Annotation:

  • The @Bean annotation is used within @Configuration classes to define methods that produce Spring beans. Each method annotated with @Bean is responsible for creating and configuring a bean.
  • When Spring Boot’s application context is initialized, it calls these @Bean methods to create the beans, and the resulting objects are managed by the Spring container.

Here’s a simple example of how @Configuration and @Bean work together:

public class MyConfiguration {

public DataSource dataSource() {
// Create and configure a data source bean
DataSource dataSource = new DataSource();
return dataSource;

public MyService myService() {
// Create a MyService bean with a dependency on the dataSource bean
return new MyService(dataSource());

In this example, the MyConfiguration class is annotated with @Configuration, indicating that it contains bean definitions. Two @Bean methods are defined to create and configure beans for DataSource and MyService. The myService method injects the dataSource bean as a dependency.

How to create Custom Annotations in Spring Boot?

In Spring Boot, you can create your own custom annotations to add specific behaviors or metadata to your classes or methods.

  1. Define the Annotation: To create a custom annotation, you start by defining an annotation interface. This interface will serve as the blueprint for your custom annotation. Annotations in Java usually have no methods (marker annotations) or may have some properties (meta-annotations).
  2. Add Metadata: If your custom annotation needs to hold additional information, you can define elements within the annotation interface. These elements can have default values and can be of various data types.

Let’s say you want to create a custom annotation called @AuditLog to mark methods that should be logged for auditing purposes. Here's how you can create it:

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

@Target(ElementType.METHOD) // Specifies where the annotation can be used (in this case, on methods)
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) // Specifies when the annotation should be available (during runtime)
public @interface AuditLog {
String value() default ""; // An optional attribute for additional information
  • In this example, @AuditLog is a custom annotation that can be applied to methods. It can also include an optional attribute called value.
  • Once you’ve created the custom annotation, you can use it in your Spring Boot application. For instance, you can apply it to a method that should be audited:
public class MyService {

@AuditLog("User login")
public void performLogin(String username) {
// Logic for user login

public void someOtherMethod() {
// This method is not audited
  • In this example, the @AuditLog annotation is applied to the performLogin method, indicating that this method should be logged for auditing purposes. The optional attribute value can be used to provide additional information about the audit log.
  • You can then use reflection or other mechanisms to discover and process methods annotated with @AuditLog to implement the desired auditing functionality in your application.


In short, Spring Boot annotations are like special codes that make writing Java applications easier and cleaner. They help us set up things quickly, avoid repeating the same code, and make our programs more organized. Whether it’s using well-known annotations like @Autowired and @Value or creating our own custom codes, these tools are like magic ingredients that make our code better. As you keep learning about Spring Boot, don't forget to explore more of these special codes and resources; they'll make your coding journey more enjoyable and your applications more awesome. Understanding and using these annotations will help you build cool software with less hassle.

