Takeaway : Can we create the “perfect” farm? — Brent Loken

The Grape
3 min readMar 4, 2024


Creating the ‘perfect farm’ will require a second agricultural revolution focused on protecting the environment, increasing yields and reducing pollution. The farms of the future will be equipped with drones, robots, and sensors to optimize the use of water, nutrients, and pesticides. It will also be necessary to encourage the adoption of low-cost sustainable farming practices and a transition to plant-based diets to feed the world’s population while preserving environmental resources.

Ted-ed: Can we create the “perfect” farm? — Brent Loken — YouTube

To feed a growing population on a healthy diet, a second agricultural revolution is needed.

- The first agricultural revolution led to the expansion and exploitation of agricultural land, to the detriment of forests, wildlife, and water.

- The next agricultural revolution will have to increase production from existing farmland while preserving biodiversity and reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The farms of the future will be designed to work with the environment and take into account local ecosystems.

- Use of drones to monitor crops.

- Using robots to apply fertilizer in a targeted way.

- Collecting data on nutrients and soil levels.

- Adopting low-cost farming practices to achieve the same goals.

-Farmers in Costa Rica have managed to double the country’s forest cover by integrating farmland with tropical habitats, providing food and habitat for wildlife, as well as natural pollination and pest control thanks to the birds and insects attracted to the farms.

- Farmers in the US raise livestock on native grasslands, generating a valuable source of protein while storing carbon and protecting biodiversity.

- New approaches to rice production in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the future.

- In Zambia, many organizations are investing in region-specific methods to improve agricultural production, reduce deforestation and improve the livelihoods of local farmers.

Creating the “perfect” farm will require a combination of high-tech and low-cost methods, reducing food waste and adopting plant-based diets.

- Around a quarter of the food produced in India is lost or wasted due to poor infrastructure.

- Solar-powered cold storage capsules help rural farmers preserve their produce.

It will take unprecedented global cooperation to optimize food production while respecting environmental limits.

An agriculture revolution can start with you

Until another article, take care of yourself

N.Soumaya :)



The Grape

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