The Mental Health Benefits of Archery

7 Ways That Archery Can Help Change Your Life

Geoff Hindmarsh
3 min readAug 28, 2023

Archery, an ancient sport of precision, offers more than just the thrill of hitting a target. Beyond the physical prowess it demands, archery provides a myriad of mental health benefits that can enhance our daily lives.

Archer aiming at a target

A Personal Journey with Archery

I can remember when I first got back into archery. I’d just come back from overseas because my Dad was terminally ill with cancer. I’d had to uproot the last 23 years of my life over a five-minute phone call. I knew it was coming, but nothing can prepare you for it.

The transition was challenging, to say the least. Being back after so long, I felt that everybody I knew had moved on in life; grown up, transitioned into family life or simply moved away. I felt disconnected from everything.

It was during this time that I rediscovered archery. The sport not only reconnected me with a community but also offered solace.

The intense concentration required made my worries fade, emphasizing the profound bond between the mind, body, and bow.

Archery: More Than Just Shooting Arrows

I found that archery helped me to feel grounded, not only connecting me to a purpose but also helping me to start feeling something like identity again.

I’ve listed below how archery helped me to overcome a tough period in my life. Hopefully, you’ll find something here that can help you too:

  1. Focus and Concentration: Archery demands undivided attention. This honed focus, cultivated on the range, translates to enhanced concentration in daily tasks, fostering a skill vital for success.
  2. Stress Relief: The rhythmic act of drawing and releasing the bowstring, coupled with the need for focus, induces relaxation. Archery serves as a therapeutic escape from daily pressures.
  3. Mind-Body Connection: Every shot in archery necessitates a harmony between mental intent and physical action. This fosters a heightened body awareness, enhancing overall well-being.
  4. Patience and Persistence: Archery teaches perseverance. The journey of setting, pursuing, and achieving goals in archery instils resilience, a trait beneficial in all life’s arenas.
  5. Boosts Confidence: Progress in archery, marked by hitting targets, instils a sense of achievement. This confidence, nurtured on the range, permeates other life areas, empowering individuals to face challenges head-on.
  6. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Archery promotes mindfulness, a state of being present. A 2021 study highlighted how mindfulness training can enhance shooting performance. Practising archery, especially outdoors, can also boost serotonin levels, promoting tranquillity.
  7. Social Interaction: Archery fosters community. Whether practised solo or in groups, it offers avenues for social connection, alleviating feelings of isolation. Shared experiences in archery clubs or teams enhance trust, communication, and overall well-being.

The Power of Social Connection in Archery

Research underscores the importance of social connection for mental health. Social isolation can exacerbate mental health issues, while group activities like archery mitigate such risks.

Archers in teams benefit from mutual encouragement and shared experiences, fostering resilience and camaraderie.

You can read the article in full over at


Archery is not merely a sport; it’s a holistic experience. At least it has been for me.

It sharpens the mind, offers relaxation, and fosters community. The benefits of archery extend beyond the range, influencing various facets of life. Embracing archery can be a transformative journey, promoting mindfulness, resilience, and overall mental well-being.



Geoff Hindmarsh

I have a passion for Archery and sharing that passion with others of the same ilk! You can check out my website at