Cut the Tease

Gregg Hinthorn
1 min readMay 30, 2017


Recently I have found myself engaging in a childlike experience. Several weeks ago one of my favorite podcast interviewers, James Altucher, interviewed Jon Morrow.

Jon has an incredible personal biography. Born with muscular dystrophy he can only move his head being paralyzed from the neck down. Despite what might seem as insurmountable personal obstacles he has not only overcome but excelled.

After listening to his interview I immediately listen to it again.

And again.

And again.

Then I went and found every interview I could find with John Morrow and downloaded that. There are about a half dozen that I have found so far.

What was it that made this interview so compelling?

John Morrow’s amazingly inspirational biography. An attitude that sees adversity as building blocks for success.

Practical insight into dealing with adversity. He has lived it. Every day. And he will do so until he dies. And yet he talks about his life with such inspiration that one cannot help but find themselves also inspired.

Finally, he has such deep practical insights into his area of expertise. And unlike many in this area of writing, blogging and such, he delivers specific useful information.

Recently I was listening to another podcast interview. The guest asked the interviewer, “Are we ready to go into the content are we still in the tease?”

That sums up most podcasts. Great with the tease low on the content.



Gregg Hinthorn

Exploring what works for writers and creators, with the occasional detour.