Degenerative changes in symphysis pubis radiology

4 min readJan 23, 2024


symphysis pubis radiology

The symphysis pubis, a cartilaginous joint connecting the pelvic bones, is crucial in providing stability and facilitating movement in the pelvic region. This joint supports the body’s weight and absorbs forces during activities like walking and childbirth. Degenerative changes refer to the gradual deterioration of common structures over time, often impacting mobility and causing discomfort. Understanding these changes is vital for diagnosing and managing associated conditions. This blog delves into symphysis pubis radiology, exploring the intricacies of degenerative alterations, their implications, and the diagnostic insights crucial for informed medical decisions and improved patient outcomes.

Anatomy and Function of the Symphysis Pubis:

The symphysis pubis, nestled in the anterior pelvis, is a critical juncture connecting the pubic bones. Comprising fibrocartilaginous tissue, it ensures structural integrity while allowing flexibility. Two types of cartilage, hyaline and fibrocartilage, collaborate to absorb shocks and enable smooth movement. Adjacent ligaments, such as the superior and inferior pubic ligaments, further fortify the joint, contributing to pelvic stability.

Despite its pivotal role, the symphysis pubis is susceptible to injury and degeneration. This vulnerability stems from its constant engagement in weight-bearing activities, childbirth stress, and the natural ageing process. Understanding this joint’s intricate anatomy and function is paramount for appreciating its significance in maintaining pelvic harmony and addressing potential challenges. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the symphysis pubis and delve into its nuanced role in our biomechanical symphony.

Degenerative Changes in Symphysis Pubis:

Joint degeneration, a natural process that occurs over time, involves the gradual wear and tear of the symphysis pubis — a vital pelvic joint. Imagine it as the ageing of a well-used hinge, impacting its smooth functioning.

Common Causes of Symphysis Pubis Degeneration:

Ageing: As we age, the cartilage in the symphysis pubis may naturally deteriorate, affecting joint integrity.

Osteoarthritis: A prevalent condition where joint cartilage breaks down, leading to discomfort and reduced flexibility.

Repetitive Stress Injuries: Continuous strain on the pelvic region, common in certain occupations or activities, can contribute to degenerative changes.

Trauma: Injuries, such as pelvic fractures, can accelerate degeneration in the symphysis pubis.

Inflammatory Conditions: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis may trigger inflammation, impacting the joint’s health.

Understanding the Stages of Degeneration:

Early Stage: Initial wear on cartilage, possibly unnoticed, with minor discomfort during movement.

Intermediate Stage: Progressive cartilage erosion, leading to increased pain and stiffness.

Advanced Stage: Severe deterioration, potentially causing significant pain, reduced range of motion, and impacting daily activities.

Understanding these stages empowers individuals to recognize symptoms early, facilitating timely interventions and personalized management strategies. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into diagnostics and treatment options in upcoming posts.

Degenerative changes in symphysis pubis radiology

Radiographic Features of Degenerative Changes:

When unravelling the intricacies of symphysis pubis issues, various imaging modalities are invaluable tools for accurate diagnosis. Among these, plain X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans play pivotal roles in capturing the nuances of degenerative changes.

Plain X-rays: Offering a foundational view, X-rays illuminate joint space narrowing, a key indicator of degeneration. Additionally, they unveil sclerosis, an uptick in bone density signalling structural alterations, and erosions reflective of bone loss over time.

CT scans: This modality delves deeper, providing detailed cross-sectional images. It exposes cyst formation and osteophyte formation, the emergence of bone spurs contributing to joint degeneration.

MRI scans: Renowned for soft tissue visualization, MRI scans excel in capturing early signs of degeneration, showcasing alterations in ligaments and cartilage.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the limitations of these imaging techniques in isolating the source of pain. Clinical correlation remains paramount, underlining the symbiotic relationship between radiographic findings and patient symptoms. By navigating these radiographic features, healthcare professionals can enhance diagnostic precision, fostering more targeted interventions and improved patient care.

Clinical Significance and Management:

Degenerative changes in the symphysis pubis can manifest with various symptoms, impacting daily life and overall well-being. Recognizing these signs is crucial for timely intervention and effective management. Here, we explore the clinical significance of such changes and various treatment options available for symptomatic individuals.


Groin Pain: Degeneration may lead to persistent discomfort in the groin area, affecting mobility and daily activities.

Difficulty Walking or Climbing Stairs: As the symphysis pubis plays a pivotal role in weight-bearing, degenerative changes can result in challenges during movement.

Pelvic Pain: Discomfort in the pelvic region may signal underlying degeneration, impacting quality of life.

Sexual Dysfunction: Some individuals may experience sexual dysfunction due to pain and discomfort associated with symphysis pubis degeneration.

Treatment Options:

Rest and Activity Modification: Providing the joint with adequate rest and modifying activities can alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

Pain Management Medications: Over-the-counter or prescribed medications can help manage pain and inflammation associated with degenerative changes.

Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises and physical therapy sessions aim to improve joint function, strengthen supporting muscles, and enhance overall mobility.

Injections: Corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid injections may be recommended to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Surgery (Rarely): In severe cases resistant to conservative measures, surgical intervention may be considered to address structural issues.

Importance of Medical Advice:

It is essential to emphasize the significance of seeking professional medical advice for persistent symptoms. Self-diagnosis can lead to delays in appropriate care. Early intervention and tailored treatment plans, guided by healthcare professionals, contribute to better outcomes and improved quality of life for individuals grappling with symphysis pubis degeneration.

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