perhaps it is good

Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2016

Perhaps it is good to have evil above

Instead of a dull sixty watt glow that shines

False light and lulls into poison sleep

Perhaps it is good to be afraid

To have a wide-pupiled vigilance

With nostril flared and hair erect

Perhaps it is good to encounter threat

To be tossed out of the arm chair

And into the broken, splintered universe

In need of glue

Perhaps fear is good

To clump us together to unite

To become a school of fish flashing

Back and forth

To shoulder the weak or the targets

The widows or the orphans

Perhaps it is good to hold a grudge

Perhaps it is good to be torn

Perhaps it is good to be hated

Or perhaps I am just looking for one

Bite of sweet citrus in a rotten tangerine

