Third week’s assignment

Valentina Montanaro
2 min readApr 22, 2017


Reflecting on my own resistances to develop a better version of myself…

This week we were asked to go deeper and to identify our ‘one big thing’ by mapping out our behaviours, fears and assumptions. We then had to work with another person to discuss the experience. I was pair to the wonderful Lucia.

What was most significant for me about this week’s task?

While this exercise was considered challenging and ‘scary’ by some of my colleagues, I have to be honest it didn’t feel intimidating to me. It’s maybe because I have been spending the past few months diving deep into myself and reflecting about similar questions?

Here is my map: I am committed to be better at failing and being vulnerable, while being nicer to myself.

I think the part I have enjoyed the most was the talking and sharing with my partner. I guess I am sick of listening to my thoughts and little inner voice speculating on the same things over and over again. Having Lucia’s perspective gives me the possibility to see my thoughts from another angle and think about them differently. It also made me feel I am not alone in having such thoughts.

The need to slow down, the luxury of being able to heal without working, the difficulty to explain what we are doing to peers and family (good luck with explaining to my family I am doing a self-management course and that I am intentionally unemployed. The most common reaction is usually “ok so you doing this thingy I don’t understand and how are you going to make a living out of it?”).

I also really enjoyed the conversation in breakout room with my other Academiers (I think I just invented this word :). Some interesting issues emerged in that context too. Like the fact that the Academy is not only about learning new tools and practices to work differently but that it also feels a personal journey. Some of us have been feeling “hippie” and “hipster” over the past weeks. Another interesting question we have been reflecting on was why we were here (in the Academy) and why now. Is this course taking during a larger shift in the world or is just a coincidence?

I personally think a larger shift is taking place in the world today, but only the time will tell….

What do you think?



Valentina Montanaro

Wandering the world while wondering about human beings. Curiosity, optimism and enthusiasm are my specialities.