Wonders of the Red/dead Sea

Dec 1, 2023


Red sea also referred as dead sea consisting 90% of salt water situated between northeast Africa and Arabian peninsula. It’s average depth is 500 meters.


It has extensive coral reefs and is home to various marine species including fish and other invertebrates.

Tourism spot

The surrounding beaches, resorts and natural beauty makes it an eye catching spot for the tourists.

Historical importance

In ancient times, Greeks, Romans and Persians used it as a linking route for trade between Africa and Asia

Underwater mystery

Artefacts found at the bottom of the sea including shipwrecks indicate mythical lost city of Atlantis and highlight the tales of lost treasure in the past.

Environmental challenges

Over hunting and pollution are the emerging threats to the marine ecosystem which can result in endangering species. Various organisations are working to take measures to mitigate human impacts on marine life.

