5 Most Smartest Pet Birds

3 min readAug 23, 2021

Mammals such as humans are often known as the most intelligent creatures on earth. There are over 10000 bird species so there is bound to be one that can outsmart even the brightest creatures. Birds are small creatures but smaller ones can be smarter too.

You will know how smart some of our feathery friends really are.

There are many factors that come into measuring the intelligence of birds which includes:

  • Building nests
  • Communicating
  • Tricks
  1. African Grey Parrot

A yellow-eyed African grey parrot with a striking red tail is a talking parrot and is kept specifically for it. From mimicking speech to understanding human-like tricks. According to research, the African grey has the same iq level as a four or a five-year-old child.

The African grey is, however, not a “cuddle bug”; they will not tolerate much petting but a little scratching on the head is more than enough.


They are considered to be one of the most comical and intelligent and yet affectionate birds. They are also said to be giant birds. Macaws have beautiful colours and a variety of sizes. They often wow crowds in public with their mimic abilities and enchanting colours.

Hyacinth macaw is almost 4 feet in length, making it the largest in the parrot family. Macaws are social birds and are good family pets. Pick a macaw if the noise doesn’t bother you. Macaws are loud birds.

3. Budgies

Budgies are inexpensive, small in size and a colourful parrot, and are kept in packs because of this. They are intelligent, talkative and a family birds.

Budgies can also perform a variety of tricks if they are trained well. They are some of the most delightful pets and are easy to tame.

4. Cockatoos

Cockatoos are another bird that scores high in IQ tests as they have a sense of object permanence. They also have a sense of rhythm as they often sway when listening to music.

They get attached to their owners rather quickly and are often anxious when they are not around them. They are affectionate, funny, comical and mischievous. They are easy to keep and are good for new parrot owners.

5. Conures

Conures are found in a great range of colours, with their feathers an array of blue, red, green, orange and yellow. They like to find ways of making common tasks. There were experiments where they use their beaks to pull up a string which has peanuts tied to it.

Conures can be playful, cuddly and, unfortunately, very loud. Conures are active and busy birds that need plenty of toys and social interaction to keep their smart minds busy. Conures are great family pets because they are playful and have outgoing personalities.

Bottom Line

All of these birds are extremely smart problem solvers. If you’re looking for a very smart bird, look for ones that have been kept by trainers. Birds that have not had opportunities to learn may be behind in cognitive development.

It depends, how much time and effort you put into their training. Spending 30–45 minutes a day will have your pet birds cussing in no time.

