How Do You Actually Manifest Money?

Money Manifestation is actually a vibration that performs an act of abundance and prosperity to attract more of it.

Hira Arshad
5 min readAug 5, 2023
money manifestation
Money manifestation

Sometimes I question myself about why we are struggling to excel. Is this just about money and nothing else? It should be about improving our thought processes along with skills. But it seems like we are sticking to the money-monger mindset, to become a millionaire or billionaire.

However, it has now the needed time when we are hit by the gigantic economic backlash, Covid-19, and many other layoffs. These unfavorable circumstances lead to a global objective to become financially stable.

One thing we must keep in mind is that money is just a tool to become free from a few miseries. It does not promise to lift the long imprinted clog on our mind, soul, or life. This needs to be acknowledged that money is a motivator and must be sufficient enough to fulfill our basic needs.

So, it has become a trendy topic to earn US dollars on social media which has increased the popularity of money manifestation.

Money Manifestation

Let’s dig a little deeper to understand the law of attraction when it comes to money manifestation.

Money is Vibration:

Money Manifestation is actually a vibration that performs an act of abundance and prosperity to attract more of it. If you want to earn more money, you have to think like you already own a sufficient amount of it.

Be Specific:

The next step is to be very specific about what you want to manifest in your life. If you want to use that money to purchase a house, a car, an improved lifestyle, or else.

Spend Like No One is Watching:

Making yourself comfortable with spending is another major manifestation requirement. It means that you shouldn’t be a person who feels remorse after purchasing something you crave from the money you are attracted to want in your life.

In other words, manifestation demands you to be patient, thankful, and grateful enough to enjoy whatever you purchase when you earn that money.


Manifestation Method 369:

Another method of manifestation is the 369 method, which involves manifesting three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times at night. This practice is developed to tame your mind and soul.

  • 3 represents our connection to our source or the universe, and our creative self-expression
  • 6 represents our inner strength and harmony
  • 9 represents our inner rebirth (as in letting go of what no longer serves us and changing into who we are becoming)

The purpose behind the numbers is an attempt to reprogram your subconscious and help you focus on the underline goal.

Connect with the Wealthy Mindset:

If you visit places and put yourself in the environment of wealthy people, you will eventually attract more money. It works in the same manner as positive and negative energies.

If you invest or focus your time and energy on positive things, you will attract positivity into your life. Whereas, with negative thoughts and mindset, you will attract negativity into your life.

Similarly, If you stick around people with money and who are smart enough to attract money in their life. So, in this way, you will be able to match with the frequency, and focusing on the abundance will help you get the money you need in your life.

Focus on Real Affirmation and Have Faith:

Using the affirmation technique in the right way is necessary. What if you focus on affirmation way too much and end up nullifying it? Therefore, it is vital to have a strong sense of belief in money manifestation and faith in yourself.

“Money comes to me continuously and easily”

Visualize your Goal:

Coming on to the major part “visualization”. This is indeed the strongest and most impactful part of manifestation, where you visualize yourself as a wealthy human on the Earth, enjoying your bank account numbers. You can design a visual board to manifest the new lifestyle and who you want to be part of that money manifestation visual board.

The personal growth and development that is required to become who you want to be in order to manifest is real work.

However before you go into further detail of manifestation, you have to ask yourself what you actually want from money manifestation.

The purpose of your money tool to be used?

This is called self-awareness, where you manifest money to become real.

The whole process not only makes you attract money towards you but makes you thankful for the blessings you already have in your life. This gratitude culture helps you in making the best version of yourself.

Ensure you’re in a profound sense associated and adjusted: Meditation, visualization, reading, studying, and trusting in an option that could be more significant than yourself are ways of turning out to be in a genuine way focused.

The following stage is to go into the scholarly brain and make a groundbreaking thought. As it connects with cash, the groundbreaking thought is flourishing and overflowing.

You’re going to reinvent every one of the convictions you have about cash utilizing the scholarly psyche.

That is a manifestation!

In the event that you think cash is difficult to make, it will stay hard. In any case, on the off chance that you shift your conviction to it being simpler or easy, you will begin to encounter that in your reality.

In any event, moving your viewpoint to every one of the times it has come effectively would be useful.

In conclusion, it’s essential to move distinctively with regard to cash.

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I write for peace at Manifest-Meditate Blog. I would appreciate your feedback and claps. Thanks



Hira Arshad

Blogger| Writer| Love to share my perspectives and experiences on life, manifestation and meditation