Human Brain Complexities and Its Response To Life Composition

How can we understand the response of our brain towards life complexes and be at peace at the same time?

Hira Arshad
4 min readAug 20, 2023
human brain and life complexes

One thing I believe is that passion brings you to some platforms. You may get distracted by the voices in your head and from your surroundings. But your heart pulls you back towards your destiny.

However, whenever you start questioning yourself about something, more complexities find their way out. Yes, this is true due to the complex composition of the human brain.

How fascinating it is to deal with the complexities of your mind and find the right answers to satisfy your conscience. Our life is composed of good and bad moments, changes, and decisions.

The more astonishing part of our thought process is that we love supporting our analysis with proven facts of some other human.

Isn’t it human agony?

If you haven’t ever stood right in the shoes of a person, how can you be sure about the results?

Some of us may believe that we should learn from other people’s experiences and the results of their experiments. However, it doesn’t go this way every time for everyone.

Life puts us in a state of dilemma sometimes where we have to make a choice. Sometimes taking rigid decisions to make amendments to ourselves may require sacrifice. The goal is to change the track of our lifestyle and break the chains of fear and resentment.

For some of us life may be very challenging. But even in that nano moment of disbelief and hopelessness, we humans tend to find peace in the corner of the brain.

Yes, it is just a mind game, shaking you, breaking you, and revamping your stances.

All you need to do is to let the moment of despair pass and take a deep breath. Breathe in and breathe out…!

Inhale and Exhale…!

Think about your accomplishments, and the things you have in abundance, and keep counting your blessings. This practice will never get old nor it will ever let you down.

No matter what people think of you or whatever your circumstances are, you have to be brave enough to find a solution to your problems.

We all have some breaking points and limitations. Some humans may have low tolerance levels for the crap while some have huge endurance thresholds for the same situation.

These thresholds don’t matter if we find a way to deal with a pandora’s box. Remember to motivate yourself even in your low moments despite the world’s disagreement.

In that state of negative energies, focus on your single positive energy.

You cannot imagine how much positivity you can collect from your faith to get back on your feet.

Focusing on the positive aspects of life in moments of despair helps you bring back to normal life. You need to think differently and out of the box to open new avenues of ideas.

You can only unlock the new thought process, which is unaltered by parameters of present, past, or future through meditation. If you free yourself from time while meditating, you start thinking logically and your faith in certain things gets stronger.

Like Fred Alan Wolf said;

The most common way people could do time-travel would be a form of meditation in which you don’t get caught up in your thoughts and don’t make patterns of logical consequences follow as a result of your thinking process.

It’s very hard for most of us to do that if we think about it. But if you start to watch the process by which things come into being, and you begin to witness from the point of view of watching the words form, then you’re beginning to move into the non-temporal mindset, or that which is free of time.

While going through difficulties, hard life battles, and toxicity, you feel that the state is here to stay. However, the moment you jump out of it, holding the throne of success, the joy on your face makes you forget the inhumane moments of life.

The blood of positivity rushing towards your brain answers your every single confusion and complex question.

If you start believing that you are here to live a life and not to understand it, you will be much at peace.

“Man is not made to understand life, but to live it.”

— George Santayana

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Hira Arshad

Blogger| Writer| Love to share my perspectives and experiences on life, manifestation and meditation