Vengeance Took My Peace Away!

Can Manifestation save you from taking Revenge?

Hira Arshad
5 min readAug 29, 2023
Manifest Peace to avoid revenge

How can you manifest not to take revenge and leave it to Fate or Karma?

Sometimes when people do wrong with us, we consider it a moral obligation to retaliate. We are eager to find ways to take vengeance from that person, who hurts us and ruins our peace.

But, this doesn’t work every time. Nor does it help us to be at peace if we plan to take revenge on our opponent.


Yes, it gave me headaches sometimes that’s why I allow anyone to treat me badly. But the real fact about being treated badly is how the other person is crazy enough to let you down.

It sometimes boils my blood that is why people let them get away with their bad behavior. But what else can we do to diffuse the situation or save us less collateral damage?

I was shattered and my mind took a long route. I started digging about malicious ways to take the throne in my hand and make that person feel the same way, I did….

The hot blood of vengeance, hatred, negative energy, and killer thoughts rushed to my brain. A fast death to your good side, though!

But then I shook my head and told myself every time that this would not be of any help if I went that way.

This mindset shuts down your sensible thought process. Therefore, you have to work on the positive side of the brain to release good hormones and bring you back to normal.

I shake my mind and soul with a simple activity that I repeat every single time, I face this thing.


Yes, it is true, I do this often to protect myself and my peace.

I created it through Canva

We all go through a phase of life where we believe that proving ourselves right is all we should do. But that is not the case. We do not need the votes of the world to feel better and carry a clean chit of being righteous sometimes.

This world is merely a fantasy world and those who believe and have faith know that it could shatter in the blink of an eye. This temporary world does hurt us and make us miserable at moments.

Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence.
— Vittorio Alfieri

However, it is our duty to make every effort to protect us from the misery and be at peace with our mind and soul.


I strongly believe vengeance is not mine; it is for God to decide.
— Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy

I know it is hard sometimes to work on this element of your mind. Switching on the button of peace and calmness and turning off the vengeance mode needs a hell of patience, practice, and perseverance.

You can achieve these characteristics using Manifestation.

Steps To Protect Your Peace:

Here are a few tips to protect your peace at all costs.

1. First try to find out ways to avoid being part of the complex situation.

2. Mention that you are not part of the row and you have nothing to do with the fight

3. If you get stuck and find it hard to explain yourself or feel abundant.
Stay quiet!
Believe me! it works sometimes when you make the other believe that you are unbothered.

4. If nothing works, leave the place immediately without any prior notice.
Yes, Run for your peace!

5. Do not indulge yourself in any of such situations if not necessary and stay patient in hard circumstances.

6. You are not an angel! So, you will find ways to take revenge, if someone has ruined your reputation. However, you can manifest positivity and tame your soul.

These are simple steps that can save your peace and life.

Stay Positive

How to motivate yourself to manifest peace of Mind?

  1. Be Mindful and live in the present
  2. Journal your Gratitude
  3. Perform relaxing activities like exercise or spend time in nature
  4. Breath in, Breath out helps the most
  5. Focus on single tasks
  6. Stay Positive and focus on positive scenarios
  7. Learn to say NO in the first place if you feel uncomfortable
  8. Set boundaries for yourself
  9. Talk about positive things with yourself
  10. Acceptance is vital. You cannot control certain things and you have to accept this truth.
  11. Give your best, stay happy, and leave it to fate.

Read my blogs on Manifestation here!

Vengeance is the reason for the frowning line on your face. Stay Calm!

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Hira Arshad

Blogger| Writer| Love to share my perspectives and experiences on life, manifestation and meditation