Media Convergence : Positive and Negative Social Impact

Haris Wahyudin
4 min readNov 10, 2023



Media convergence is the phenomenon of the interconnection of information and communication technologies, media content, and computer networks. It has significant implications for both mass communication and interpersonal communication, as it changes the way people produce, consume, and share information. In this essay, I will discuss some of the positive and negative effects of media convergence on these two types of communication.

Positive Impact

One of the positive effects of media convergence is that it enables people to access a variety of media content from different sources and platforms, such as newspapers, television, radio, and the internet. This increases the diversity and richness of information available to the public, and allows people to choose the media that best suit their needs and preferences. For example, people can watch a newspaper’s video report on their cellphone via the internet¹, or listen to online radio that combines radio with the internet². Media convergence also enhances the interactivity and participation of the audience, as they can comment, share, and create their own content on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. This fosters a sense of community and engagement among the users, and gives them more control and influence over the media agenda.

Negative Impact

However, media convergence also has some negative effects on mass communication and interpersonal communication. One of the negative effects is that it creates information overload and fragmentation, as people are exposed to too much and too diverse information from multiple sources and platforms. This can make it difficult for people to filter, evaluate, and integrate the information, and may lead to confusion, distraction, and misinformation. For instance, people may encounter conflicting or inaccurate information on social media, or be influenced by extreme or biased opinions from online sources. Media convergence also poses challenges for the credibility and quality of the media content, as it blurs the boundaries between professional and amateur, and between factual and fictional. For example, people may not be able to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources, or between news and entertainment.

Another negative effect of media convergence is that it reduces the quality and quantity of interpersonal communication, as people rely more on online and mediated communication than face-to-face and direct communication. This can have negative impacts on the development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships, as well as on the social and emotional skills of the users. For example, studies have found that mobile device addiction/abuse is becoming an issue, and that it affects the way that humans communicate and interact with each other³. People may become less attentive, less expressive, and less empathetic when communicating with others, or may lose the ability to read nonverbal cues and emotions. Media convergence also creates a sense of isolation and alienation, as people may feel disconnected from their real-life social networks and communities, and may substitute them with online and virtual ones.


In conclusion, media convergence has both positive and negative effects on mass communication and interpersonal communication. It offers more opportunities and choices for the users, but also creates more challenges and risks. Therefore, it is important for the users to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of media convergence, and to use it wisely and responsibly.

(1) Media convergence | Definition, Impact & Examples | Britannica.

(2) Media Convergence Meaning, Types, Examples, Benefits - Leverage Edu.

(3) MEDIA CONVERGENCE definition | Cambridge English Dictionary.


(5) Media Convergence - Communication - Oxford Bibliographies.

(6) Online Social Influence and the Convergence of Mass and Interpersonal Communication

(7) Social Media Use and Impact on Interpersonal Communication.

(8) Patients’ Convergence of Mass and Interpersonal Communication on an Online Forum: Hybrid Methods Analysisng

(9) Interpersonal Communication.

