Secrets of Human Psychology to Design Irresistible App Icons

Hiral Atha
2 min readSep 14, 2018


An app’s icon can mean the difference between a wildly downloaded app and a mostly overlooked one. An icon needs to be more than just beautiful. It needs to look so compelling that the users want to click on it right away. It needs to be designed so that it gives users an idea of what to expect from the app and also, it needs to follow platform specific design guidelines. Over and above, an icon needs to appeal to the user, and that is a tall order.

But, be relieved, that the study of human psychology lets us in on some wicked secrets of how users think and feel. The smarter developers know how to tap into this knowledge and design an icon that will appeal to the specific user emotions that compel them to click the download button.

For instance, it is an established fact that latest trends and collective behavior affects our perception of things. Even if we were all excited for skeumorphic design when it first came out, and we thought this is ours for life, when everyone else moved to material design, we couldn’t help but feel that it is the future.

In a similar fashion, color palettes, styles, the promise of being something new and different, all these elements trigger emotional responses that can promote the downloadability of your app. So if you wish to exploit the gems of human psychology and use them to create an irresistible icon for your app,

check out the detailed guide on our blog right now

