Random acts of kindness💝

Hi Ra Ma Lik
3 min readFeb 14, 2020


No act of kindness,no matter how small, is ever wasted

Here i am sharing my experience of random acts of kindness in a 1 day challenge.

1: Helping a Friend

My friend had to go to hospital for a nose X-Ray as her doctor recommended her to come after the X-Ray to make her surgery go better.

So I decided to go with her and i decided to not her go alone.

I let her sit on the bench and i went to the counter to take the Slip on her name.

It took 20 mins i was standing in a row waiting for my turn

And then i got her slip.

I didn’t felt any trouble or pain while waiting for long time standing in a row as there was a thought in my mind that i am going good to her and God would be happy from me 💜

2: Bought some Food for Friends

I let my friends decide what they want to eat and i will buy food for them

Whatever they wanted to eat i bought for them

It made them happy and they find my gesture cute

In return they bought chocolates for me as a gift 🍫

3:Expressing my love for my Mother

Due to the hectic routine and all

We are so occupied that we dont express what we really mean

I texted my Mom an expressive message telling her that i love her so much

When i came back to home my mom hugged me and replied she loves me too

I became overwhelmed

It was a wonderfull feeling for me

4: I made noodles for my younger brother

My younger brother loves to eat noodles

On my way back home i bought a pack of noodles and i made for him

He was extremely happy to see a bowl of noodles in my hands and knowing i made it for him

I loved seeing him happy and a big smile on his face 😊

5: Refilled a water bottle for a Teacher

I saw a Teacher coming towards the Water cooler holding an empty bottle

I asked her to let me refill her bottle

She smiled and gave me her bottle

While refilling the bottle we had a good conversation

She asked me about my plans of life and she wished me the best in life.

I really loved the conversation.

It was all an amazing experience.

These small acts of kindness made my day.

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind

