OPTIMISM OR REALISMWhat do you prefer, what do you want, or what do you need the most?Feb 4, 20243Feb 4, 20243
TELEPATHIC STRINGSDo you think thoughts, emotions, ideas, and communication between two souls can be done by telepathy?Jan 17, 20242Jan 17, 20242
MORE ABOUT MUFFINS, COOKIES, AND BREAD DOPAMINE RUSHBaking is my favorite and forever hobby, gives me joy, pleasure, an escape, and an exceptional anti-dote for stress.Jan 7, 20242Jan 7, 20242
VERSATILE VEGGIESWe all know about some boring vegetables, but most of us do not like them. WHY? Because we do not know exactly what they are capable of.Dec 30, 20231Dec 30, 20231
THE END IS A NEW BEGINNINGMoving from the 365 days, 52 weeks, and 12 months, finally, the end of this year is here. You are entering 2024 as a New Year with a new…Dec 29, 20232Dec 29, 20232
SUGARCANE “A SWEET TREAT”From pre-historic times, SUGARCANE is a well-known long thick grass of the Poaceae family, majorly grown in tropics and sub-tropics around…Dec 9, 2023Dec 9, 2023
THOUGHTSThoughts can take you anywhere, from the Earth to the moon, from the dark to the light, and most importantly from your bed to your desk.Dec 7, 2023Dec 7, 2023
LOVE “A Journey of Illusions, Delusions and Exploitation”The topic of a long debate, the line of A’s (Attraction, Affection, Alluring, Auspicious, and Acceptance) and C’s (Cruel, Chaotic…Dec 4, 2023Dec 4, 2023
SYMBOL OF LIFEIn my opinion, plants are the symbol of life. They grow, live, and fade over time, a continuous cycle of change, from bright green to dull…Dec 4, 2023Dec 4, 2023