DEPRECATED — Liskish Wallet — First Ledger Wallet for Lisk

4 min readSep 3, 2018


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Liskish Wallet is not maintained anymore.

Please refer to

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How to use Ledger Nano S with LISK

A Ledger Nano S is a hardware wallet. Hardware wallets are considered very secure for the storage of a user’s private keys in the blockchain world. Your digital assets are safe even when using an infected (or untrusted) PC.

Before you begin

Install the LISK app on Ledger Nano S

  1. Open the Manager in Ledger Live.
  2. Connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S.
  3. If asked, allow the manager on your device by pressing the right button.
  4. Find LISK in the app catalog.
  5. Click the Install button of the app.
  6. An installation window appears.
  7. Your device will display Processing…
  8. The app installation is confirmed.

Use Ledger device with LiskishWallet by Hirish

Liskish Wallet is a fork of Lisk NANO where I’ve implemented the Ledger support.

The Liskish Wallet can be downloaded here: releases

  1. Simply connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S device;
  2. Open the LISK app;
  3. Open the Liskish Wallet App;
  4. Your device will show up in the Device List
  5. Hit the Login button near your device
  6. Follow the istruction and verify the address on your device!
The Login Page of Liskish Wallet.

Ledger Nano S implementation supports all kinds of Lisk transaction, but the most relevant are Send and Vote.

Send LISK through Ledger Nano S

Send Dialog

When logged in with Ledger, sending LISK is a breeze. After filling in the necessary data a new Toast message will pop up on the bottom-right corner of the screen inviting you to check the information regarding the amount, the recipient and even the sender on your Ledger Nano S device. You’ll be required to follow the instructions displayed on your Ledger and verify the information matches the information shown in the window. After approving on your device, the transaction will be sent to the LISK network!

Delegates Vote with Ledger Nano S

Vote Dialog

Voting and un-voting with Liskish Wallet by using a Ledger Nano S is really easy. Just click on the Voting tab and select the delegates you’d like to vote/un-vote.

After clicking “Confirm” a notification appears asking you to confirm your operation on your Ledger device. Confirm the data displayed is on your Ledger Nano S. After approving on your device, the vote transaction will be sent to the LISK network!

Address Discovery

A single Hardware Wallet (Ledger, Trezor or any others) can generate multiple addresses. It means that you can have more than one LISK Account on your Ledger Nano S.

To show all your initialized LISK addresses and to create a new one, click on “HW Adderss Discovery” button in the top section of the main page.

Account Discovery Dialog

Liskish Wallet will process the information from your Ledger Nano S and will find all the initialized addresses. By clicking on the icon on the left, you can switch account and start to operate with it. You can also create a new address by clicking “Create a New Lisk Account”.

Further Security Notes and further developments

Although the Ledger Nano S is a very secure way of storing your LISK, always initialize your account by broadcasting a transaction to enhance security of your account effectively reducing the chances of being hit by an “Address collision”.


This big community achievement was possible thanks also to delegate vekexasia and his amazing work on Lisk Ledger App and his support during integration coding phase.

Final notes

If you encounter any issue with your Ledger device and the Liskish Wallet, please open an issue here or join GDT Slack (get an invite here) and drop us a line.

Hirish contacts:
* /u/hirishh on Reddit
* @hirishh on Twitter

If you want to support my work, please consider a donation to: 17670127987160191762L

