9 Interesting Facts About Drug Abuse

2 min readMay 24, 2017


There are some staggering facts about drug abuse and how massive a problem it is. Many drug addiction treatment centers are always doing research to stay ahead of the curve so they can provide the best treatment. Drugs are everywhere, among our youth, elderly and everyone in between.

#1 Alcohol is the Most Popular

Alcohol is the most easily accessible with liquor stores on every street corner and is legal while being highly advertised. Case closed.

#2 Drug Addiction Affects Everyone

Chances are that if you don’t use drugs yourself, you know someone that does. The financial, social and emotional impact of drugs affects everyone at every level of life, in every town, city, state and community in the U.S.

#3 Anyone Can Become Addicted

You do not have to have a genetic predisposition to become addicted to drugs. Addiction is a disease that can affect some people after developing a habit, or even just a single use. It doesn’t just occur in people with “poor willpower”. It can target anyone. If you feel you are at risk, look into drug addiction treatment as soon as possible.

#4 Costs

Drug abuse costs American taxpayers about $485 billion dollars each year, a staggering amount. This is created by the increased costs of healthcare, crime, accidents, lost wages and the additional impact on the justice system

#5 The Deadliest Drug

While many of us many think that heroin is the most dangerous drug due to overdosing, the real killer is prescription drugs. In fact, more teenagers die from doctor prescribed drugs than heroin and cocaine combined. These are also the most addictive.

#6 Chemical Changes

Drugs give you the high based on the chemical changes they impose on the brain. With repeated use, a person’s brain chemistry can change permanently, affecting how they act and feel as a part of daily life.

#7 The Sexual and Physical Abuse Connection

2/3 of people in drug addiction treatment report some form of physical and sexual abuse as a child, which can cause addiction later on in life.

#8 Crime Connection

Drug use is linked to at least half of all major forms of crime in the United States and half of all people committing violent crimes were under the influence at the time.


1 in 8 People Have Addictions

This means approximately 40 million people live with some form of addiction.

