10 most Common Spanish Idioms to speak Spanish like a native speaker.

Hispanic Horizons
3 min readJun 9, 2023


Hello everyone! Are you ready to learn about some Spanish idioms that will make you sound like a native speaker? 🌟💬🇪🇸

Learning a new language is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it’s also about understanding the cultural nuances and expressions that make a language unique. Today, we’re going to explore the fascinating world of Spanish idioms! Get ready for some fun and exciting phrases that will elevate your Spanish skills to the next level! 🎉🔝💪

1️.”Estar en las nubes” (To be in the clouds): This idiom means to be daydreaming or not paying attention. It’s perfect for those moments when your mind wanders off during a conversation or class. ☁️🌈

2️.”Ser pan comido” (To be a piece of cake): Use this phrase when something is very easy or simple. It’s a delicious way to describe a task or challenge that requires minimal effort. 🍰👌

3️.”Meter la pata” (To put your foot in it): Imagine accidentally saying something embarrassing or making a social faux pas. This idiom captures those moments when we unintentionally make a mistake and wish we could take our words back. 🦶😬

4️.”Estar en las mismas” (To be in the same boat): Use this expression when you and someone else are facing the same situation or problem. It’s a great way to show empathy and solidarity. 🚣‍♀️🚣‍♂️❤️

5️. “Echar una mano” (To lend a hand): When you want to offer help or assistance, this idiom is the perfect way to express your willingness to lend a hand. It’s a gesture of support and kindness. 👐🤝

6️.”Dar en el clavo” (To hit the nail on the head): Use this phrase when someone makes an accurate observation or guess. It’s like finding the perfect solution or understanding something completely. 🔨💡😄

7️.”Costar un ojo de la cara” (To cost an eye from your face): This idiom refers to something that is very expensive. It emphasizes the idea of sacrificing something valuable, like an eye, to obtain it. 💰👁️💸

8️. “Estar en las manos de alguien” (To be in someone’s hands): Imagine trusting someone completely and relying on them to take care of a situation. This idiom conveys that sense of surrendering control and having faith in someone else. 🙌��

9️.”Tener el mundo a tus pies” (To have the world at your feet): This phrase describes someone who has achieved great success or has many opportunities available to them. It’s like having the world within reach and at your command. 🌍👣🌟

10.”Ser uña y carne” (To be like two peas in a pod): Use this idiom to describe a close-knit relationship or a strong bond between two people. It’s a beautiful way to express the deep connection and understanding between friends or family members. 👭👫❤️

So there you have it, amigos! These are just a few of the most common Spanish idioms that will bring color and flair to your language skills. Incorporate them into your conversations and impress native speakers with your understanding of the Spanish language and culture!

To know more, visit Hispanic Horizons.

