The US T29 — a 70-Ton Beast Built to Battle Tigers — TankHistoria

Tank Historia
1 min readAug 15, 2022


The US T29 — a 70-Ton Beast Built to Battle Tigers — TankHistoria

Introducing The US T29 — a 70 Ton Beast Built to Battle Tigers. This is a little-known US heavy tank built during the Second World War as an answer to heavy German armor encountered in Europe. The T29 was a unique vehicle and the first of its kind ever to grace the US Army inventory. Incorporating a plethora of innovative design features, the tank was destined to steamroll through the Nazi heartland with ease. But alas, the T29 would never get to fire a shot in anger since it came too late in the war to meet actual production numbers.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t get your hands on one! We’ve brought this beast back from the past and are ready to ship it to your doorstep. So what are you waiting for? Order your very own T29 today and steamroll your way to victory! You can get more information about it by visiting our website.

