The Hidden Stories of Alcatraz

Did you know about this prison on San Francisco’s iconic island?

History Hub
5 min readAug 25, 2023
Alcatraz | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Alcatraz Island, aka “The Rock,” is located on the San Francisco Bay. Its rugged cliffs and eerie history draw many visitors each year. Most people know it as the home of one of the most famous prisons in the world.

Many know Alcatraz as the formidable prison on an island, with tales of notorious inmates like Al Capone. But did you know that long before those infamous prison gates clanged shut, Alcatraz bore witness to a number of untold tales?

Before, It Was a Prison

A lot of people think Alcatraz was always a jail. But that’s not true. Before it became the famous prison everyone discusses, it had a very different job. The island was first a fort in the 1850s; the U.S. Army built it to protect San Francisco from enemies. They had big guns and soldiers there to protect the city.

The island’s name also has an exciting story. “Alcatraz” is a word from Spain that means “pelican.” Why this name? Because many pelicans used to live on the island. The birds found it an excellent place to catch fish and rest. So, before the prison and the guards, the Pelicans ruled Alcatraz!

Story of Frank Morris, Who Tried to Escape

Alcatraz Showers | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Alcatraz had a big reputation. People said it was the prison no one could escape from as the prison had strong walls and sharp-eyed guards. But the biggest challenge was the water. All around Alcatraz was the cold, fast-moving water of San Francisco Bay.

One of the most famous escape stories is about a man named Frank Morris. Frank had a plan with two other prisoners, and they made a raft out of raincoats. They also made fake heads and put them in their beds to trick the guards.

Frank Morris | Source: Wikimedia Commons

One night, they climbed out of a small hole they had dug and jumped into the water with their raft. No one knows what happened to Frank and his friends. Some say they drowned because the water was too cold and the currents too strong.

Others think they made it to freedom. The mystery still hangs in the air. Every time someone talks about Alcatraz escapes, they talk about Frank Morris and his bold plan.

Families Lived In the Prison As Well

When people think of Alcatraz, they often picture tough men in prison cells. But here’s a surprise: Alcatraz wasn’t just home to male prisoners; families lived there, too.

The guards who worked at the prison had their families with them on the island. The children who lived there had a unique childhood.

Every day, they would get on a boat to go to school in San Francisco and then return home to an island with a big prison. They played outside, went fishing, and even had birthday parties. For them, the island was just home.

But I don’t think it was all fun and games. Living on Alcatraz had rules. Kids couldn’t go near the prison areas and had to be careful. Even with these rules, many who grew up there say they had a special time.

Native American Protest

After the prison closed down in 1963, Alcatraz didn’t stay quiet for long. However, in 1969, something big happened, and a group of Native Americans said, “This is our land!” They went to the island and started living there.

They weren’t there to cause trouble but had a strong message to share. These Native Americans were part of a big movement and wanted to tell everyone about the rights of their people.

They felt the U.S. government had taken their lands and broken promises. The Native Americans made many people listen to their stories by staying at Alcatraz. News about their protest spread everywhere, and they lived in Alcatraz for 19 months.

During this time, they built a community and made their voices heard. While they left the island in the end, their message stayed. Thanks to their brave actions, many more people learned about Native American rights and their history.

No One Served Life

You might think that Alcatraz, being such a famous prison, kept prisoners for their whole lives. But that’s not true! Although it held some of America’s most famous criminals, no one stayed in Alcatraz for life.

Prison Library | Source: Wikimedia Commons

The prison had tough rules, and it was hard for anyone to cause trouble or escape. Due to this, Alcatraz became a place for prisoners who didn’t behave well in other jails. But once they learned the rules and behaved better, many got moved to other prisons.

The longest anyone ever stayed in Alcatraz was 26 years. So, even though Alcatraz had a reputation as a super-strict place, it wasn’t where prisoners spent their last days. It was more like a “school” where they learned to follow the rules. Then, many moved on to different places.

Bird Paradise

When we say “Alcatraz,” most people think of prisoners and guards. But today, the island tells a different story. It’s a place where birds love to come and hang out. Instead of the noise of prison life, you’ll hear birds singing and flapping their wings.

Although “Alcatraz” means “pelican,” pelicans are not the only birds that visit. Today, many kinds of birds find the island a perfect spot. Birds like the snowy egret and black-crowned night heron come here.

They find food, rest, and even make nests to raise their babies. These birds feel safe without all the people around. If you visit Alcatraz now, you won’t just learn about its prison history. You’ll also see a natural bird paradise.

It’s amazing how a place can change over time. From a tough prison to a peaceful home for birds, Alcatraz keeps surprising us!

