Clash Royale — A Quick Winning Guide!

Hita Parul
3 min readMar 31, 2017



There are countless individuals worldwide who keep on searching for a quick winning guide regarding popular mobile games like Clash Royale game but without much success. We certainly have a nice one to share in our short article thus helping you out in winning more battles and enjoying Clash Royale game deeply. We will here even appreciate the use of clash royale guide that will act as a blessing in disguise for many. The application of quality tool will allow you to enjoy the game with many resources. In simple words, you are required to spend huge time, effort or even money in order to attain gold and gems in huge number. Surely, we will here not get deep into the tool and would like to focus on some quality tips.

Spend Your Currencies or Resources Wisely

This is the most important aspect of Clash Royale as you are required to use your gold and gems wisely. These currencies are pretty hard to attain especially when you are not willing to spend money or use a tool. With limited resources available at your end, you need to find out best possible ways to use them out. We can certainly take the fine example of gold that is extensively used to upgrade the troops and other stuff but that doesn’t mean you are required to upgrade all and use the gold extensively. You need to be very smart while using these currencies and only do important tasks.

Never Attack First

Planning your attacking strategy is extremely critical. Especially as a beginner, you need to play the waiting game and avoid attacking first. It is ideal to make sure, you elixir count is completely full before you attack. When you play the patience game, you are able to execute solid defense and win more towers. Making use of many forces at one time might not lead to desired outcomes. You need to act smart, check out different available options and try to be accurate with your each move. When you are able to make a perfect attacking strategy, the chances of winning the game will increase a lot.

Have Patience and Don’t Rush Attacks

When you don’t rush into attacks, you will come to know where you are heading. Planning attacks demand right application and adequate understanding of the current situation. There might be a situation when you are required to play the waiting game but on rare circumstances, you might need to rush into attacks. Attacking the enemy with many troops at one time could lead you to trouble. Even if you like attacking, you must remain ready for the quick response to the enemy.

We have certainly covered few vital aspects regarding Clash Royale game and the most important one is to apply a safe and working tool that can get you unlimited gold and other resources in quick time. Just don’t rush into the game and try to clear your basics in order to unlock the higher levels.

