Git -An open source version control System

Hitesh Kawwatra
2 min readJun 18, 2017


2.2 Learning Git


GitHub is a powerful platform used by many programmer due its unique feature called version control, where it allows the people to store multiple version of the code and allow them to traverse between them.

I had a confusion with what Git and GitHub is. GitHub is the company that provides the Git. Git is a hosting repository.

Now Let’s dive into Git

In general Git is used to do commit, push, pull commands,etc and GitHub is used to clone, fork, etc.

This Git feature is also embedded in the Hasura Development tool which I am using for developing an app. It helps to upload and deploy code.I have downloaded Git Bash for this internship. The bash allows me to save my files on online in GitHub.Since git is a hosting repository we can access is from anywhere.

Github is a significant platform which increases collaboration and sharing of software . Here the peers can suggest certain features, commit changes, these changes can be tracked and reverted too. Bugs and issues can be reported as well. Thus it is essential and pretty useful to coordinate work on Github.

I used the following links as reference to learn git commands.

If you are going to work as a team i strongly recommend use of git.

Next Up

In my next blog I will discuss about the local development ie setting up Hasura on my local machine. Stay tuned for updates.



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