Microsoft will reveal ‘the future of hybrid work’ with Windows 11 on April 5th

mike min
2 min readMar 15, 2022

Inside the last year, Microsoft not just uncovered another age of Windows, it completely made a plunge by sending off Windows 11 the previous fall, and presently it’s booked one more review occasion to talk about the “invigorating future” of “Crossbreed Work, Powered by Windows.” Set to occur on April fifth at 11 AM ET, it will include Windows executive Panos Panay flaunting Microsoft’s security, usefulness, and the board highlights, both in the client and the cloud.

What precisely does that incorporate? The occasion page doesn’t say a lot and Microsoft hasn’t transparently examined the occasion, however, we’ve seen a lot of pieces of information about the sort of half and half work arrangements and security instruments Microsoft is dealing with for organizations where the “workplace” is a greater amount of a thought than an area. That incorporates Windows 365 memberships for cloud PCs that you access through an internet browser, the rollout of its Fluid system for Microsoft Office applications (presently rebranded as Loop), and an itemized vision of things to come of gatherings with Microsoft Teams.

Last year CEO Satya Nadella composed that “Half breed work addresses the greatest shift to how we work in our age. Furthermore, it will require another working model, spreading over individuals, places, and cycles.” Naturally, his LinkedIn post incorporated a screen capture of a metaverse meeting loaded up with strangely delivered symbols, and Nadella has referred to the term more than once from that point forward, so it will be fascinating to perceive how much that does or doesn’t come up in the show, or then again assuming we see a greater amount of Microsoft Mesh.

