10 ways to lose your underdog spirit.

Hiut Denim Co
Makers & Mavericks
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2017
Photo by Andrew Paynter

1, Stop hiring ‘grit’.
2, Chase the numbers, not the change.
3, Stop innovating.
4, Stop taking risks.
5, Only back sure fire things.
6, Make slow decisions.
7, Forget why you started.
8, Oust the founder.
9, Let success steal your hunger.
10, Stop partying together

The above was an excerpt from Hiut Denim Co. — YearBook 3. We only printed 2000. They have all sold out. But you can get a free digital version of YearBook 1 when you sign up for our newsletter here.



Hiut Denim Co
Makers & Mavericks

Our town is making jeans again. Founders: @DavidHieatt & @ClareHieatt Do one thing well.