Cosmic Birthday cake
Made w/ MidJourney

The Zodiac Legacy: Tracing Stellar Myths and Today’s Insights

Hive 42
5 min readSep 22, 2023

Today is my birthday, and of course, I’m writing instead of relaxing. My Zodiac sign is on the cusp of Virgo/Libra, so naturally, I’ve looked at horoscopes for both. As a child, I remember going to the newspaper and heading straight to the horoscope section to see what my outlook was. I’d go back and forth between Virgo and Libra and noticed I could relate to both, every single time. Was it because I was on the cusp, or was there another variable at play? As I expanded my view and read all the signs, I noticed a pattern: vague language that could apply to many situations. It became clear that something didn’t add up, and I became agnostic to the idea. Later on in life, I discovered the science behind why it doesn’t add up. But to truly understand the zodiac’s discrepancies, we must first journey back to its ancient origins and uncover the stories written in the stars.

Made w/ MidJourney

Tracing the Stars: Unearthing the Zodiac’s Ancient Tales

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Hive 42

Explorer of macro trends and societal narratives, enlightening readers with thought-provoking insights. My Family and Hive are the meaning to my life.