How to use ZLayers in a ZIO 2.0 Application

Hivemind Technologies
18 min readFeb 21, 2024


Ignacio, Daniel and Sarah for Hivemind Technologies

The ZIO framework is frequently used to build Scala applications. In the newest version of the framework, ZIO 2.0, there are some modifications introduced to improve the usability, simplicity, readability and practicality of the applications that you can build with it.

In this article, we will explain and define what ZIO Layers (ZLayers) are, and we will explore the different mechanisms that you can use to construct and use them. For that matter, we will provide a fully functional ZIO application, with a layered architecture.

Applying the “Service Pattern” [2] for Dependency Injection (DI) [3], and using ZLayers will help us to organise and structure the application for better reuse and maintainability. Also, we will take advantage of the different compilation errors that you get when you do not provide the correct dependencies on the different application components.


The ZIO framework has gained popularity and attention recently [5], because of the benefits that Functional Programming (FP, see [4]) brings to the table, and improved performance compared to other side-effect solutions. If you are new to ZIO, you can start with the ZIO online quickstart guides and tutorials on [6], and also with article series on [7].

However, as the ZIO framework is being actively improved and developed, sometimes the syntax of function definitions provided by ZIO changes, making some articles and code examples found in Github repositories no longer valid with the new versions of the framework. For example, from version ZIO 1.0 to ZIO 2.0, there are some breaking changes regarding syntax of Environment and ZLayers. This article will provide a full example of a layered application, with a fixed in-memory database layer, a repository layer and a service layer, together with a set of tests for each layer.

Let’s start defining and introducing ZIO and the concept of ZLayers and how this can help in our Scala [8] applications.

ZIO Effects

Let’s first start with ZIO effects.

As you might know, a pure FP application cannot have side effects, because mathematical functions are total and deterministic, and always return the same result when provided the same input. This would make impossible to write in a console for example as a statement, as we normally would do in an imperative language like Java for example:

Or equivalently in Scala:

Using pure FP, we would have to redefine the main entry point of the application to run a side effect for writing in the console. Using ZIO, we would have to replace the return type (Void or Unit) to a type indicating that the function will do a side effect when it is run:

The definition of the ZIO datatype:

specifies an environment R, an error channel E and a success return type A.

In this last example, we are redefining the entry point of the application (the main method) to return a ZIO effect that has no requirements for the environment (Any type), can fail with an IOException and returns Unit as its success value.

The main change is the way of thinking, now we are returning a ZIO value (the unit value in this case) instead of a side-effectful computation of the first example (println). Now the run() method function is a pure function, in the mathematical sense.

A practical mental model to think about the ZIO data type, that describes a side-effectful computation is:

That is, a function that, given the environment R, returns either an error E or a success value A.

For a more detailed explanation, see the references section.

What are ZLayers and why should we use them?

In the scaladoc documentation in the ZLayer type, we can find a good starting point:

“A ZLayer[E, A, B] describes how to build one or more services in your application. Services can be injected into effects via ZIO.provide. Effects can require services via ZIO.service.

Layer can be thought of as recipes for producing bundles of services, given their dependencies (other services).

Construction of services can be effectful and utilize resources that must be acquired and safely released when the services are done being utilized.

By default layers are shared, meaning that if the same layer is used twice the layer will only be allocated a single time.

Because of their excellent composition properties, layers are the idiomatic way in ZIO to create services that depend on other services.”.

Let’s try to explain this concept. The ZLayer data type specifies three type parameters like a ZIO effect:

  • First, the RIn type parameter is the data type for the value required to define the ZLayer (its dependencies). Is like the environment for the ZLayer. ZLayers can depend on other ZLayers.
  • Then, the E type parameter is the error channel. Specifies the error type that can occur when allocating resources or running computations needed to define the ZLayer.
  • Finally, the ROut type parameter specifies the success channel, similar to a ZIO effect. This type specifies the service or the value to be generated by the ZLayer, when provided the needed dependencies (that are specified by the first parameter).

The same mental model used for the ZIO data type can be used here:

Given the requirements RIn, the function will return either an error E or a success value ROut.

Let’s see an example:

Imagine that your application has a configuration class Config, that specifies the databaseParameters (like maximum number of open connections, database username and password, etc.).

In the companion object for class Config, you define a value for those parameters. Then, as you have all the requirements for defining a Config value, you can define a ZLayer (using the service pattern [2]) by calling ZLayer.succeed(). This method will always return a ZLayer (it cannot fail).

The data type:

That is, a ZLayer that has no requirements (Any in the requirements), and that will always return a Config success value. Also, the computation cannot fail, as there is a Nothing in the error channel (this is because there does not exist an instance of the type Nothing that we could possibly return or throw).

That’s it! We have specified our first service in a ZIO Layer.

The ZIO ZLayer data type lets you specify the dependencies of your ZIO application explicitly in a type signature, and, as we will see later, ZIO will provide compile-time errors that will help you to build all the application tree for production or test classes in a safe way. However, there are other mechanisms and frameworks that address this same DI problem [3] in a good way. So, it’s up to you which framework you choose to build and run your ZIO application.

The Architecture of the Sample Application

The sample application is a classic example of two different repositories or collections of elements like users or clients that can have zero, one or more properties (that is, taxable objects, like houses, cars or boats). For some operations the application will use only one of these two collections, while in other cases we have to collect related elements of both collections. The first case is for example when we have to query one user, implemented by the operation findUser(userId: Int). For the second scenario, we have for example the operation findPropertiesOfUser(userId: Int), for which we have to retrieve first the user with the specified userId, and also all their related properties.

The application is divided into four different layers of logically related components: the application, service, repository, and database layers.

The following architecture diagram illustrates the main components of the application:

Application Layer

The Application Layer is concerned about the main logic of the whole system. It uses the different components to react to the user requirements and combine the results of the different services and data.

Service Layer

The Service Layer defines the different related components to implement the user needs, like the User Service and the Property Service. The User Service will define methods for reading, updating and deleting Users (models) at the highest level of abstraction. In a similar way, the Property Service will group the operations related to property models that a person or user can possess (houses, cars, boats, etc.).

Repository Layer

The Repository Layer defines collections of items, in this case Users and Properties of those users. The operations care about collecting and filtering items in a lower level of abstraction.

Database Layer

The Database Layer language is concerned with Records, Keys, Queries, etc. in the lowest level of abstraction. The database can trigger and perform queries in the database store, that could be a relational database (like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL) or NoSQL database (like MongoDB, MariaDB or Cassandra) or even one or more system files.

The Scala code base for the sample application can be found at [9].

Dependencies between components or services

From the previous architecture diagram you can see that some components depend or delegate responsibility on others in order to function properly.

For example, let’s start with the functional logger trait defined in the sample application:

The Logger trait specifies an abstract log method that prints a message in the console as a ZIO side effect.

The return type of this method is:

This is a side effect that does not require anything from the environment (Any in the first ZIO type channel), can never fail (Nothing in the error type channel), and always succeeds with a Unit value (in this case).

The implementation of the Logger trait, LoggerImpl, needs or depends on a Console object in order to print the message in it:

We can specify this dependency in the LoggerImpl constructor, as we can see in this last piece of code. To implement the log() method, we use the printLine() method of the zio.Console type. Please note the “.ignore” at the end of the line, that will ignore the IOException errors that can occur when printing a string into the console.

Using the Service Pattern [2], we can provide a default implementation for the Logger trait into the Logger companion object, in the live value (you can use a lazy val if you prefer). This will define a new ZLayer instance:

In this live value we specify a ZLayer that requires only a Console instance in order to build and return a Logger instance.

As you can see, there is a Nothing type in the error channel, so the construction of this ZLayer can never fail.

We are creating a ZLayer instance with the ZLayer.apply() method, that is a synonym of the ZLayer.fromZIO() method, that will take a ZIO instance value as parameter.

In the next section we are going to explain the line that takes the Console instance from the Environment of the ZLayer.

Later in this article, we will modify this method to use another ZLayer creation method that will allocate resources before returning the created LoggerImpl instance.

Accessing the Environment

In this section, we are going to examine the creation of a ZLayer that defines two different dependencies in the requirements of the ZLayer. As in the previous example, we are going to access the environment in order to build the success value of the ZLayer.

Let’s take the example of the Database trait:

We have the following implementation, that requires the dependencies in the constructor:

We are specifying here that this DatabaseImpl implementation requires some database configuration parameters and a Logger instance to work or function properly. This implementation will call some methods (or delegate behaviour) in those instances.

Again, using the Service Pattern [2], we can create a ZLayer for the Database trait

In the type signature of the live value, we can see that we are requiring two things: a Logger instance and a Config instance. We can compose different type requirements using the keyword with as many times as needed for the dependencies we have. For example, if we require three values of types A, B and C respectively, we can specify A with B with C in the environment channel of the ZLayer. Also, we are returning, as a success value, a Database instance.

With the first line in the for comprehension, using ZIO.service[Logger], we are accessing the environment and extracting the already provided instance of the Logger class. Analogously with the following line, but accessing the Config instance this time.

Finally, we create and return a new Database implementation instance using the calculated values of previous lines (the parameters and the database errors logger).

Different ways of creating ZLayers

Up to now, we have seen 2 ways of creating a ZLayer instance. Let’s sum up and add more ways of creating ZLayers in this section.

From a simple value

We can create a ZLayer from a simple object value, using for example a Config instance:

This way, the construction of the ZLayer will not require any dependency, will never fail, and always succeed with a Config instance, as we can see in the type signature.

From a ZIO value

You can create a ZLayer from a ZIO value (or even a more complex ZIO computation), using the ZLayer.apply() or the ZLayer.fromZIO() methods, that are equivalent.

For example, in the same way as we did for the Database trait, we can do for the UserRepository trait, that requires a Logger and a Database as dependencies:

Now, we can add two more ways in the following subsections.

From a function

You can create a ZLayer from a (non-ZIO) function that take the ZLayer requirements as parameters, using the ZLayer.fromFunction() construct:

Here we are providing a simple lambda function (anonymous function expression), but we could use a def definition to provide a more complex function logic.

Creating a ZLayer that allocates resources

Sometimes we need to allocate resources and release them when constructing a ZLayer instance. For this use case, we are going to provide another Logger implementation that allocates resources.

Let’s suppose that we need to count the number of lines that the logger prints in the console, and we need to print this number before we destroy the allocated resources and the Logger instance. We can then write the following Logger implementation:

To use this implementation we can reimplement the live value, but this time using the ZLayer.scoped() construct:

Here, we define a series of steps:

  1. First, we create a zio.Ref value initialised to 0.
  2. After that, we get the console instance from the environment
  3. We create the Logger instance (implemented by the LoggerWithLineCounter class)
  4. Call the initializer
  5. And lastly, we add a finalizer that will be called when the instance is destroyed and the allocated resources are freed.

This is a very simple example, but demonstrates a pattern that we can use for more complex use cases.

Providing the layers to build a ZIO effect

We have seen so far how to define layers based on a set of requirements, and how to access the environment or requirements of a ZLayer for instantiating and working with those services.

Let’s focus now on how to use all the defined layers and integrate them to create a ZIO effect that can be run as a test or as an entire application.

Suppose that we have the following application Config object value:

Then, we can create a ZLayer for the Config dependency, using ZLayer.succeed():

We can create also a ZLayer for the console dependency, using the value Console.ConsoleLive from the zio package:

Now, using the ZIO.service[T] method, we can create a ZIO effect that, when provided a Database, will return a Database:

Finally, the ZIO.provide() method, we can transform the last effect dbTestURIO (that required a context) to a ZIO effect that does not require any context (note the change in the resulting type, from URIO to UIO):

Here, using the live method (or values) defined before, we are providing all the requirements that are needed in order to create the Database dependency:

  1. The Console layer (used by the Logger layer requirement)
  2. The Config layer (for the unit test in this case)
  3. The Logger ZLayer
  4. And lastly, the Database layer

Now, we are ready to use this databaseUIO ZIO effect in any test or application. For example, we can define a ZIO Test like this:

Similarly, we can create ZIO effects for other components of the application, like the UserService or the PropertyService for example. See the provided Github code repository for more details.

Provide all except one dependency

In some cases, for example when working with Scopes, you can provide some of the layers, leaving one dependency still to be provided. For example, we can leave out the Scope dependency as follows:

In this case, all the dependencies except for the Scope have been provided.

Useful compilation errors and diagram generation

In very complex cases, the ZIO 2.0 framework helps us to build the application dependency graph with some helpful compilation time error messages. Let’s examine some use cases using the Database and PropertyService components in the sample application (see reference [9]).

Not providing enough layers

Let’s take the last definition of the ZIO effect databaseUIO, but provide less arguments in the ZIO.provide() function, for example, removing the console layer:

The sbt compiler then shows the following compilation error in line 109:

The error shows that for the Logger dependency, we need a zio.Console.

Now, if we remove also the test and logger layers, leaving only the Database ZLayer:

As you can see in the picture, to satisfy the Database requirements, we need a Logger and a Config instance.

Providing more layers than needed

Also, if we provide more than it is needed (for example two Logger instances):

The error is very helpful and indicates the exact problem.

Debugging the dependency graph

If you need to check and debug the dependency graph, you have two options:

  1. Using ZLayer.Debug.tree as dependency in the provide function
  2. Using ZLayer.Debug.mermaid as dependency in the provide function

In the first option, there will be a compile time error in the console that will show the dependency graph with nice colours for you to check:

Using the second option, you will get a compile time error with the graph and a link to a mermaid diagram with all the dependencies:

If you follow the link, it will open the browser on the website, with a diagram like the following:

This nice feature hopefully will help you to understand and debug some dependency problems that you may encounter while developing your application.

Also, it is a good starting point to add some documentation about the architecture of your application, that you can include in the (markdown), using the following syntax:

For more information about mermaid syntax, check the following website:

Putting it all together

In this section, we are going to show a final example of a ZIO 2.0 application that makes use of the service layer to query users and properties, and print them in the console.

We can start by creating an object that extends the ZIOAppDefault trait:

Then we override the run() method of ZIOAppDefault, and provide all the required dependencies for the application to work. This will create a ZIO effect that does not require a particular context, can fail with IOException and finishes with a Unit value:

If you have cloned the project, try deleting all the layers inside of the `.provide()` method and adding the dependencies yourself. As noted earlier, the compiler will tell you which dependencies are missing. But you’ll notice as you add the dependencies it asks for, the dependencies of those dependencies will then be required, despite not being mentioned before. This is the dependency graph mentioned earlier in action. It becomes like a game as you slowly add all the blocks needed to build the architecture for your application.

One thing to notice is that the method will return a ZLayer with a default configuration of the database parameters. These default parameters indicate that the implementation must not fail and will always return valid records from the database.

Also, we use a value myAppLogic that we haven’t defined yet. Let’s define that in the following piece of code:

Note the ZIO datatype of myAppLogic in the first line: we are requiring a Logger and the two services to work. Then, in the first three lines of the for-comprehension we are extracting those dependencies and creating references to use them.

In this example, we are searching for the user with id 1, handling the errors, and printing the result in the console. Then, we are using the PropertyService to find all the properties of that user, and also printing them in the console.

If we run this non-failing program, it will produce the following output:

We can see a query success output for looking at a user, then two more queries to find the properties of a user. This is because the implementation of findPropertiesOfUser() method first searches for the user, and then for the properties, accessing the database two times. See the implementation for more details in [9].

Testing error handling

If you want to see errors printed in the console, try to change the dependency in the run() method to return a config with database parameters with a different outcome value. For example, in:

You can choose different values for the outcome, as the enum type indicates:

This will indicate the database to fail with different errors. For example, if we change the outcome value in the database parameters to be a RaiseConnectionClosedError value, this will be the output:

As you can see, the error has been handled and logged by the different layers, and propagated with an IOException to the main thread, as the myAppLogic indicates.

Final remarks & conclusions

Once you understand the ZLayers basic concepts, the data type is not difficult to handle and use. When working with large applications with complex dependency graphs, the debug and error messages can be very helpful.

Also, the ZLayer type parameters can detect problems at compile time, something that other frameworks can’t provide.

The ZLayers data type provides a safe and trustworthy way to inject and check dependencies, in contrast with other frameworks or with configuring the dependency injection of your application by hand.


  1. ”ZLayers in ZIO 2.0 are a totally different BEAST!” by DevInsideYou Youtube channel video:
  2. “The Five Elements of Service Pattern”, on ZIO website online documentation:
  3. “Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern”, by Martin Fowler, online reference:
  4. “What is functional programming why it matters for your business?”, by Łukasz Kuczera, Scalac blog online:
  5. “Why Developers Should Pay Attention to ZIO in 2023”, by Daria Karasec, Scalac blog online:
  6. “ZIO Quickstart Guides and tutorials”, on ZIO website online documentation:
  7. “Getting Started with ZIO, Part 1”, by Software Mill, online article:
  8. The Scala Programming Language official website:

Article Sample Application Github code repository:



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