10 Techniques To Help You Thrive With Knee Arthritis

Howard Luks MD
16 min readNov 15, 2019

This is not your typical top 10 list…

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a prevalent health issue. Despite a diagnosis of arthritis of the knee, the majority of you can live an active, happy life. But you’ve heard awful phrases used to describe your Xrays- phrases like Bone on Bone, bone spurs, degeneration, wearing away, etc. Those phrases scare you. I get that!

Life does not stop after a diagnosis of arthritis. Exercise is perhaps the best medicine for your arthritis. Exercising a joint that you’ve been told is wearing out may seem counterintuitive. Exercise is essential if your goal is to avoid surgery for as long as possible. Being active will not cause your arthritis to worsen. Not all pain implies harm.

We are going to change the narrative about osteoarthritis of the knee. For the majority of you, there is hope- and a decade or more of living the life you want to lead before you need to worry about your knee osteoarthritis affecting your quality of life.

Tina is a wonderful 63-year-old nurse. She loves her work, and she’s superb at what she does. On the weekends, she was the lead singles player on her tennis…



Howard Luks MD

Orthopedic Surgeon ~ @Symplur Principal ~ Endurance Runner ~ Optimizing for healthspan and longevity https://www.howardluksmd.com