
Hannah Kim
15 min readFeb 1, 2024


Phase 3:

Phew, what a process. I was a little stuck on how to do Phase 3, but I believe a funny and wholesome product came out of this. I recorded a few friends making some noises and mapped those videos to a BandLab drumkit (which has about 50 or so percussion excerpts). I played the videos over and over again while running mosaic-synth-mic.ck, and I extracted the most commonly mapped excerpts for each sound. Then, I initially tried to edit my music/video on iMovie but realized very soon after that it is super hard to edit my audio to sound like a “song.” So, I moved to GarageBand and had a go at remixing my mosaic. It was a little difficult to make my song because I had never tried composing before, and a lot of the extracted excerpts had multiple sounds playing at once. However, I think that is the charm of my product; it is a little janky and imperfect. Also, I transposed the horn sound to different pitches so my song had a small tune.

I think the hardest part of this process was trying to come up with something creative. What came out of my mosaic-synth-mic.ck was not music because it was merely reacting to my friends’ adlibs. I was also very frustrated at times with my remix, but I realized in hindsight that the moment I let go of any ambition to create music that sounded good, I felt free to experiment, and something semi-good emerged!

I also thought that editing in my two good friends dancing was a necessary feel-good addition. Hope you enjoy my creation!


Thank you to all my video participants: Malachi Frazier, Ethan Hellman, Leon MacCalister, Chloe Pae, James Zheng.

The utilized Drum Kit was downloaded from BandLab sounds.

// name: mosaic-synth-mic.ck (v1.1)
// desc: basic structure for a feature-based synthesizer
// this particular version uses microphone as live input
// version: need chuck version or higher
// sorting: part of ChAI (ChucK for AI)
// USAGE: run with INPUT model file
// > chuck mosaic-synth-mic.ck:file
// uncomment the next line to learn more about the KNN2 object:
// KNN2.help();
// date: Spring 2023
// authors: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/)
// Yikai Li

// Define an array of strings and initialize it with the file names
"Raw_126_TribalTops_4bars-126BPM-BANDLAB.wav"]@=> string realFiles[];

// input: pre-extracted model file
"jazz.txt" @=> string FEATURES_FILE;

global int SLICE;
// if have arguments, override filename
if( me.args() > 0 )
me.arg(0) => FEATURES_FILE;
// print usage
<<< "usage: chuck mosaic-synth-mic.ck:INPUT", "" >>>;
<<< " |- INPUT: model file (.txt) containing extracted feature vectors", "" >>>;
// expected model file format; each VALUE is a feature value
// (feel free to adapt and modify the file format as needed)
// filePath windowStartTime VALUE VALUE ... VALUE
// filePath windowStartTime VALUE VALUE ... VALUE
// ...
// filePath windowStartTime VALUE VALUE ... VALUE

// unit analyzer network: *** this must match the features in the features file
adc => FFT fft;
// a thing for collecting multiple features into one vector
FeatureCollector combo => blackhole;
// add spectral feature: Centroid
fft =^ Centroid centroid =^ combo;
// add spectral feature: Flux
fft =^ Flux flux =^ combo;
// add spectral feature: RMS
fft =^ RMS rms =^ combo;
// add spectral feature: MFCC
fft =^ MFCC mfcc =^ combo;

// 17 features

// analysis parameters -- useful for tuning your extraction
// set number of coefficients in MFCC (how many we get out)
// 13 is a commonly used value; using less here for printing
13 => mfcc.numCoeffs;
// set number of mel filters in MFCC
10 => mfcc.numFilters;

// do one .upchuck() so FeatureCollector knows how many total dimension
// get number of total feature dimensions
combo.fvals().size() => int NUM_DIMENSIONS;

// set FFT size
// 4096 => fft.size;
4096 => fft.size;
// set window type and size
Windowing.hann(fft.size()) => fft.window;
// our hop size (how often to perform analysis)
// (fft.size()/2)::samp => dur HOP;
(fft.size()/.5)::samp => dur HOP;
// how many frames to aggregate before averaging?
// (this does not need to match extraction; might play with this number)
4 => int NUM_FRAMES;
// how much time to aggregate features for each file
fft.size()::samp * NUM_FRAMES => dur EXTRACT_TIME;

// unit generator network: for real-time sound synthesis
// how many max at any time?
20 => int NUM_VOICES;
// a number of audio buffers to cycle between
SndBuf buffers[NUM_VOICES]; ADSR envs[NUM_VOICES]; Pan2 pans[NUM_VOICES];
// set parameters
for( int i; i < NUM_VOICES; i++ )
// connect audio
buffers[i] => envs[i] => pans[i] => dac;
// set chunk size (how to to load at a time)
// this is important when reading from large files
// if this is not set, SndBuf.read() will load the entire file immediately
fft.size() => buffers[i].chunks;
// randomize pan
Math.random2f(-.75,.75) => pans[i].pan;
// set envelope parameters

// load feature data; read important global values like numPoints and numCoeffs
// values to be read from file
0 => int numPoints; // number of points in data
0 => int numCoeffs; // number of dimensions in data
// file read PART 1: read over the file to get numPoints and numCoeffs
loadFile( FEATURES_FILE ) @=> FileIO @ fin;
// check
if( !fin.good() ) me.exit();
// check dimension at least
if( numCoeffs != NUM_DIMENSIONS )
// error
<<< "[error] expecting:", NUM_DIMENSIONS, "dimensions; but features file has:", numCoeffs >>>;
// stop

// each Point corresponds to one line in the input file, which is one audio window
class AudioWindow
// unique point index (use this to lookup feature vector)
int uid;
// which file did this come file (in files arary)
int fileIndex;
// starting time in that file (in seconds)
float windowTime;

// set
fun void set( int id, int fi, float wt )
id => uid;
fi => fileIndex;
wt => windowTime;

// array of all points in model file
AudioWindow windows[numPoints];
// unique filenames; we will append to this
string files[0];
// map of filenames loaded
int filename2state[0];
// feature vectors of data points
float inFeatures[numPoints][numCoeffs];
// generate array of unique indices
int uids[numPoints]; for( int i; i < numPoints; i++ ) i => uids[i];

// use this for new input
float features[NUM_FRAMES][numCoeffs];
// average values of coefficients across frames
float featureMean[numCoeffs];

// read the data
readData( fin );

// set up our KNN object to use for classification
// (KNN2 is a fancier version of the KNN object)
// -- run KNN2.help(); in a separate program to see its available functions --
KNN2 knn;
// k nearest neighbors
100 => int K;
// results vector (indices of k nearest points)
int knnResult[K];
// knn train
knn.train( inFeatures, uids );

// used to rotate sound buffers
0 => int which;

// this function is meant to be sporked so it can be stacked in time

fun void synthesize( int uid )
// get the buffer to use
buffers[which] @=> SndBuf @ sound;
// get the envelope to use
envs[which] @=> ADSR @ envelope;
// increment and wrap if needed
which++; if( which >= buffers.size() ) 0 => which;

// get a referencde to the audio fragment to synthesize
windows[uid] @=> AudioWindow @ win;
// get filename
"wav/"+ realFiles[win.fileIndex] => string filename;
// load into sound buffer
filename => sound.read;
// seek to the window start time
((win.windowTime::second)/samp) $ int => sound.pos;

// print what we are about to play
chout <= "synthsizing window: ";
// print label
chout <= win.uid <= "["
<= win.fileIndex <= ":"
<= win.windowTime <= ":POSITION="
<= sound.pos() <= "]";
// endline
chout <= IO.newline();
chout <= win.fileIndex;
chout <= filename;

chout <= IO.newline();

// open the envelope, overlap add this into the overall audio
// wait
(EXTRACT_TIME*3)-envelope.releaseTime() => now;
// start the release
// wait
envelope.releaseTime() => now;

// real-time similarity retrieval loop
while( true )
// aggregate features over a period of time
for( int frame; frame < NUM_FRAMES; frame++ )
// a single upchuck() will trigger analysis on everything
// connected upstream from combo via the upchuck operator (=^)
// the total number of output dimensions is the sum of
// dimensions of all the connected unit analyzers
// get features
for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++)
// store them in current frame
combo.fval(d) => features[frame][d];
// advance time
HOP => now;

// compute means for each coefficient across frames
for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++ )
// zero out
0.0 => featureMean[d];
// loop over frames
for( int j; j < NUM_FRAMES; j++ )
// add
features[j][d] +=> featureMean[d];
// average
NUM_FRAMES /=> featureMean[d];

// search using KNN2; results filled in knnResults,
// which should the indices of k nearest points
knn.search( featureMean, K, knnResult );


spork ~ synthesize( knnResult[Math.random2(0,knnResult.size()-1)] );
//spork ~ synthesize( knnResult[0] );
<<< "Sporking UID:", knnResult[Math.random2(0,knnResult.size()-1)] >>>;

// end of real-time similiarity retrieval loop

// function: load data file
fun FileIO loadFile( string filepath )
// reset
0 => numPoints;
0 => numCoeffs;

"" + filepath => filepath;

// load data
FileIO fio;
if( !fio.open( filepath, FileIO.READ ) )
// error
<<< "cannot open file:", filepath >>>;
// close
// return
return fio;

string str;
string line;
// read the first non-empty line
while( fio.more() )
// read each line
fio.readLine().trim() => str;
// check if empty line
if( str != "" )
str => line;

// a string tokenizer
StringTokenizer tokenizer;
// set to last non-empty line
tokenizer.set( line );
// negative (to account for filePath windowTime)
-2 => numCoeffs;
// see how many, including label name
while( tokenizer.more() )

// see if we made it past the initial fields
if( numCoeffs < 0 ) 0 => numCoeffs;

// check
if( numPoints == 0 || numCoeffs <= 0 )
<<< "no data in file:", filepath >>>;
return fio;

// print
<<< "# of data points:", numPoints, "dimensions:", numCoeffs >>>;

// done for now
return fio;

// function: read the data
fun void readData( FileIO fio )
// rewind the file reader
fio.seek( 0 );

// a line
string line;
// a string tokenizer
StringTokenizer tokenizer;

// points index
0 => int index;
// file index
0 => int fileIndex;
// file name
string filename;
// window start time
float windowTime;
// coefficient
int c;

// read the first non-empty line
while( fio.more() )
// read each line
fio.readLine().trim() => line;
// check if empty line
if( line != "" )
// set to last non-empty line
tokenizer.set( line );
// file name
tokenizer.next() => filename;
// prepend path
"" + filename => filename;
// window start time
tokenizer.next() => Std.atof => windowTime;
// have we seen this filename yet?
if( filename2state[filename] == 0 )
// append
files << filename;
// new id
files.size() => filename2state[filename];
// get fileindex
filename2state[filename]-1 => fileIndex;
// set
windows[index].set( index, fileIndex, windowTime );

// zero out
0 => c;
// for each dimension in the data
repeat( numCoeffs )
// read next coefficient
tokenizer.next() => Std.atof => inFeatures[index][c];
// increment

// increment global index

Phase 2:

For my prototype, I’ve configured the audio input from my cello to control the playback of pre-recorded percussion files. I aimed to experiment with various unconventional playing techniques — such as pizzicato, drumming, tapping, aggressive and soft playing, and performing off the fingerboard — to manipulate the playback of these percussion sounds. I had a lot of fun exploring my cello’s different sound textures and musical expressions. This setup serves as a proof-of-concept for an interactive musical experience, where live cello performances influence the background sounds.

// name: mosaic-synth-mic.ck (v1.1)
// desc: basic structure for a feature-based synthesizer
// this particular version uses microphone as live input
// version: need chuck version or higher
// sorting: part of ChAI (ChucK for AI)
// USAGE: run with INPUT model file
// > chuck mosaic-synth-mic.ck:file
// uncomment the next line to learn more about the KNN2 object:
// KNN2.help();
// date: Spring 2023
// authors: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/)
// Yikai Li

"looperman-l-5973734-0333505-attraction-soundcircus.wav"] @=> string realFiles[];

// input: pre-extracted model file
"jazz.txt" @=> string FEATURES_FILE;

global int SLICE;
// if have arguments, override filename
if( me.args() > 0 )
me.arg(0) => FEATURES_FILE;
// print usage
<<< "usage: chuck mosaic-synth-mic.ck:INPUT", "" >>>;
<<< " |- INPUT: model file (.txt) containing extracted feature vectors", "" >>>;
// expected model file format; each VALUE is a feature value
// (feel free to adapt and modify the file format as needed)
// filePath windowStartTime VALUE VALUE ... VALUE
// filePath windowStartTime VALUE VALUE ... VALUE
// ...
// filePath windowStartTime VALUE VALUE ... VALUE

// unit analyzer network: *** this must match the features in the features file
adc => FFT fft;
// a thing for collecting multiple features into one vector
FeatureCollector combo => blackhole;
// add spectral feature: Centroid
fft =^ Centroid centroid =^ combo;
// add spectral feature: Flux
fft =^ Flux flux =^ combo;
// add spectral feature: RMS
fft =^ RMS rms =^ combo;
// add spectral feature: MFCC
fft =^ MFCC mfcc =^ combo;

// 17 features

// analysis parameters -- useful for tuning your extraction
// set number of coefficients in MFCC (how many we get out)
// 13 is a commonly used value; using less here for printing
13 => mfcc.numCoeffs;
// set number of mel filters in MFCC
10 => mfcc.numFilters;

// do one .upchuck() so FeatureCollector knows how many total dimension
// get number of total feature dimensions
combo.fvals().size() => int NUM_DIMENSIONS;

// set FFT size
// 4096 => fft.size;
15200 => fft.size;
// set window type and size
Windowing.hann(fft.size()) => fft.window;
// our hop size (how often to perform analysis)
// (fft.size()/2)::samp => dur HOP;
(fft.size())::samp => dur HOP;
// how many frames to aggregate before averaging?
// (this does not need to match extraction; might play with this number)
4 => int NUM_FRAMES;
// how much time to aggregate features for each file
fft.size()::samp * NUM_FRAMES => dur EXTRACT_TIME;

// unit generator network: for real-time sound synthesis
// how many max at any time?
2 => int NUM_VOICES;
// a number of audio buffers to cycle between
SndBuf buffers[NUM_VOICES]; ADSR envs[NUM_VOICES]; Pan2 pans[NUM_VOICES];
// set parameters
for( int i; i < NUM_VOICES; i++ )
// connect audio
buffers[i] => envs[i] => pans[i] => dac;
// set chunk size (how to to load at a time)
// this is important when reading from large files
// if this is not set, SndBuf.read() will load the entire file immediately
fft.size() => buffers[i].chunks;
// randomize pan
Math.random2f(-.75,.75) => pans[i].pan;
// set envelope parameters

// load feature data; read important global values like numPoints and numCoeffs
// values to be read from file
0 => int numPoints; // number of points in data
0 => int numCoeffs; // number of dimensions in data
// file read PART 1: read over the file to get numPoints and numCoeffs
loadFile( FEATURES_FILE ) @=> FileIO @ fin;
// check
if( !fin.good() ) me.exit();
// check dimension at least
if( numCoeffs != NUM_DIMENSIONS )
// error
<<< "[error] expecting:", NUM_DIMENSIONS, "dimensions; but features file has:", numCoeffs >>>;
// stop

// each Point corresponds to one line in the input file, which is one audio window
class AudioWindow
// unique point index (use this to lookup feature vector)
int uid;
// which file did this come file (in files arary)
int fileIndex;
// starting time in that file (in seconds)
float windowTime;

// set
fun void set( int id, int fi, float wt )
id => uid;
fi => fileIndex;
wt => windowTime;

// array of all points in model file
AudioWindow windows[numPoints];
// unique filenames; we will append to this
string files[0];
// map of filenames loaded
int filename2state[0];
// feature vectors of data points
float inFeatures[numPoints][numCoeffs];
// generate array of unique indices
int uids[numPoints]; for( int i; i < numPoints; i++ ) i => uids[i];

// use this for new input
float features[NUM_FRAMES][numCoeffs];
// average values of coefficients across frames
float featureMean[numCoeffs];

// read the data
readData( fin );

// set up our KNN object to use for classification
// (KNN2 is a fancier version of the KNN object)
// -- run KNN2.help(); in a separate program to see its available functions --
KNN2 knn;
// k nearest neighbors
100 => int K;
// results vector (indices of k nearest points)
int knnResult[K];
// knn train
knn.train( inFeatures, uids );

// used to rotate sound buffers
0 => int which;

// this function is meant to be sporked so it can be stacked in time

fun void synthesize( int uid )
// get the buffer to use
buffers[which] @=> SndBuf @ sound;
// get the envelope to use
envs[which] @=> ADSR @ envelope;
// increment and wrap if needed
which++; if( which >= buffers.size() ) 0 => which;

// get a referencde to the audio fragment to synthesize
windows[uid] @=> AudioWindow @ win;
// get filename
"wav/"+ realFiles[win.fileIndex] => string filename;
// load into sound buffer
filename => sound.read;
// seek to the window start time
((win.windowTime::second)/samp) $ int => sound.pos;

// print what we are about to play
chout <= "synthsizing window: ";
// print label
chout <= win.uid <= "["
<= win.fileIndex <= ":"
<= win.windowTime <= ":POSITION="
<= sound.pos() <= "]";
// endline
chout <= IO.newline();
chout <= win.fileIndex;
chout <= filename;

chout <= IO.newline();

// open the envelope, overlap add this into the overall audio
// wait
(EXTRACT_TIME*3)-envelope.releaseTime() => now;
// start the release
// wait
envelope.releaseTime() => now;

// real-time similarity retrieval loop
while( true )
// aggregate features over a period of time
for( int frame; frame < NUM_FRAMES; frame++ )
// a single upchuck() will trigger analysis on everything
// connected upstream from combo via the upchuck operator (=^)
// the total number of output dimensions is the sum of
// dimensions of all the connected unit analyzers
// get features
for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++)
// store them in current frame
combo.fval(d) => features[frame][d];
// advance time
HOP => now;

// compute means for each coefficient across frames
for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++ )
// zero out
0.0 => featureMean[d];
// loop over frames
for( int j; j < NUM_FRAMES; j++ )
// add
features[j][d] +=> featureMean[d];
// average
NUM_FRAMES /=> featureMean[d];

// search using KNN2; results filled in knnResults,
// which should the indices of k nearest points
knn.search( featureMean, K, knnResult );


spork ~ synthesize( knnResult[Math.random2(0,knnResult.size()-1)] );
//spork ~ synthesize( knnResult[0] );

<<< "Sporking UID:", knnResult[Math.random2(0,knnResult.size()-1)] >>>;

// end of real-time similiarity retrieval loop

// function: load data file
fun FileIO loadFile( string filepath )
// reset
0 => numPoints;
0 => numCoeffs;

"" + filepath => filepath;

// load data
FileIO fio;
if( !fio.open( filepath, FileIO.READ ) )
// error
<<< "cannot open file:", filepath >>>;
// close
// return
return fio;

string str;
string line;
// read the first non-empty line
while( fio.more() )
// read each line
fio.readLine().trim() => str;
// check if empty line
if( str != "" )
str => line;

// a string tokenizer
StringTokenizer tokenizer;
// set to last non-empty line
tokenizer.set( line );
// negative (to account for filePath windowTime)
-2 => numCoeffs;
// see how many, including label name
while( tokenizer.more() )

// see if we made it past the initial fields
if( numCoeffs < 0 ) 0 => numCoeffs;

// check
if( numPoints == 0 || numCoeffs <= 0 )
<<< "no data in file:", filepath >>>;
return fio;

// print
<<< "# of data points:", numPoints, "dimensions:", numCoeffs >>>;

// done for now
return fio;

// function: read the data
fun void readData( FileIO fio )
// rewind the file reader
fio.seek( 0 );

// a line
string line;
// a string tokenizer
StringTokenizer tokenizer;

// points index
0 => int index;
// file index
0 => int fileIndex;
// file name
string filename;
// window start time
float windowTime;
// coefficient
int c;

// read the first non-empty line
while( fio.more() )
// read each line
fio.readLine().trim() => line;
// check if empty line
if( line != "" )
// set to last non-empty line
tokenizer.set( line );
// file name
tokenizer.next() => filename;
// prepend path
"" + filename => filename;
// window start time
tokenizer.next() => Std.atof => windowTime;
// have we seen this filename yet?
if( filename2state[filename] == 0 )
// append
files << filename;
// new id
files.size() => filename2state[filename];
// get fileindex
filename2state[filename]-1 => fileIndex;
// set
windows[index].set( index, fileIndex, windowTime );

// zero out
0 => c;
// for each dimension in the data
repeat( numCoeffs )
// read next coefficient
tokenizer.next() => Std.atof => inFeatures[index][c];
// increment

// increment global index

All wav files were sourced from Looperman.

Phase 1:

  • More features does not make better performances. It seemed like Chroma didn’t affect much, which make sense because key/pitch shouldn’t differentiate genres.
  • Features that made the most difference were MFCC and RMS (if mfcc was doubled, accuracy went down). I will most likely use those two for my phase 2 (especially with a lower mfcc value).
  • Also experimented with the extract times, and having an extract time of >30 also increased accuracy (~25 seconds).
  • highest accuracy rate 0.4046 using 16 features (Centroid, RollOff, RMS, and 13 MFCC)

Phase 3:

One idea I have for Phase 3 is integrating reactive visualizations that change and evolve based on the music’s dynamics. I can use colors and shapes that respond to the intensity, speed, and mood of the performance. I was also thinking of choosing movie soundtracks and clips that correspond to different emotions or themes (like joy, tension, etc.). I can also use my cello’s input to transition between these themes, creating a musical and visual journey that reflects a range of human experiences.

