Kostiantyn Hladkov
Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov

Design management

6 stories

Image of used tissue and nasel spray
A blue banner that features a cluster of three bubbles containing the photos of the three designers mentioned in the article.
Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov


4 stories

The Image shows a number of bubbles of different sizes outlining the weight of each skill for designops, from Change management, UXR, Design standards, legsl scenario, budget management, to agile and programme management.
Plotting Design and DesignOps leaders on 2 dimensions to define the remit and responsibilities of Design Leaders, DesignOps leads, Design Managers, and Design Programme Managers. © P. Bertini 2021
Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov

Research and testing

4 stories

Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov

Product Management

2 stories

Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov


4 stories

Hero Image showing various artboards connected with prototype connectors.
Introduction slide
Design system components
Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov

Product Management

1 story

How to Write a Product Requirements Document (PRD)
Kostiantyn Hladkov

Kostiantyn Hladkov


4 stories