Save money with external users in G Suite.

Michal Hlavac
1 min readSep 24, 2019


Does your company leverage on services that use LDAP while using G Suite and also having lot of external users? What if you don’t have to create G Suite account for every external user, but all those users can still use your company services. This scenario is pretty easy using G Suite identity sync.

The only thing you need is that every external user has gmail account or you can even create google account without gmail.

I will count that you already have the G Suite identity sync installed.

  1. Login to as administrator and create group for external users e.g. external.users
  2. Add all external users to this group.
  3. Login as administrator to G Suite identity sync and select group for external users [Menu -> Settings]

Now every external user can login and create LDAP password and use all your company services. Also external.usersgroup will be automatically synchronized to LDAP.

