Time’s Up Sinai: A Call for Action

Hazel Lever
11 min readMay 6, 2019


May 6, 2019

To the Mount Sinai Board of Trustees:

Misogyny, discrimination, and bullying are never acceptable in interpersonal and professional settings. As students at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, we are deeply disturbed by the allegations of such behavior at our own institution, specifically at the Arnhold Institute of Global Health. We believe that Mount Sinai’s leadership must immediately take steps to investigate these allegations, prevent further perpetuation of an abusive culture that enables these types of behaviors to occur, and empower those who seek justice.

We are compelled to speak out by the shocking acts of discrimination on the basis of gender, age, and race described in the lawsuit filed on April 26, 2019 by former and current employees of Mount Sinai. The lawsuit details how leading women at the Arnhold Institute of Global Health were systematically denigrated and intimidated to the point of being forced out of the institution. Such actions include discriminatory pay reductions, intimidation tactics that produced a hostile working environment, and the imposition of a culture of silence. Furthermore, these abuses appear to have occurred with the administration’s knowledge, including Dr. Dennis Charney, Dean of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The described events are particularly upsetting when the accused are leaders at our school who are supposed to be role models.

We stand in solidarity with the group of predominantly women who are courageously pursuing justice: Dr. Holly Atkinson, Dr. Natasha Anushri Anandaraja, Dr. Stella Safo, Mary Caliendo, Humale Khan, Geraldine Llames, Amanda Misiti, and Emilie Bruzelius. In publicly reliving these traumas, they are exposing themselves to further harm in their personal and professional lives. However, they seek justice not only for themselves but also to improve conditions for women at Mount Sinai so they can learn, work, and lead in a safe environment.

We admire the commitment of these plaintiffs to empowering medical students through direct mentorship and building our curriculum on human rights. What is particularly impressive is that they established many of these curricula and programs in the face of deep adversity and workplace abuses. Many of us are better clinicians and advocates because of the opportunities we had to learn from and partner with these leaders. Their strong commitment to human rights and equity provides an example of how we can build better institutions that reflect a more diverse, inclusive, and humane future of medicine. We are deeply saddened that future students will not have the opportunity to learn from these women who have been intimidated to the point of resignation; it is a true disservice to our education at this school.

As students at this institution, we pride ourselves on our commitment to equity and social justice. It is particularly important to apply this commitment to our own institution. We call on our school leadership to live up to their promise, as outlined in the Faculty Hippocratic Oath, to have the “courage to stand up for the oppressed and vulnerable and against prejudice and racism in all that we do.”

In this spirit, we call on the Mount Sinai Board of Trustees to immediately:

  • Investigate these claims in a more transparent and open process than has occurred to date, including investigation into the culture of harassment perpetuated by school leadership.
  • Take decisive action to correct these issues and hold appropriate parties responsible. As investigations proceed, Dr. Prabhjot Singh and Bruno Silva cannot be allowed to remain in their roles and continue to represent our institution. As Dean of the school, Dr. Dennis Charney is responsible for enforcing a zero-tolerance policy against harassment and should be held accountable if he is found to have played a role in allowing these events to occur, including perpetuating a culture of discrimination.
  • Commit to building a culture at Mount Sinai where misogyny, discrimination, and bullying are unacceptable, using the recommendations put forth by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to address and prevent the harassment of women in the workplace.
  • Become a signatory organization to Time’s Up Healthcare, a national organization aiming to end bias, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace.

We sign this letter because we care deeply about our institution and specifically our mentors, educators, and staff. We are outraged by their mistreatment and the culture of abuse that has flourished at Mount Sinai. We believe in the work these women have dedicated themselves to in the pursuit of health and human rights in our own communities and around the world. More broadly, we believe in and trust women.

Click here to sign this letter, which will be delivered to the Mount Sinai Board of Trustees.

(Note: Signatures are in alphabetical order.)


  1. Unwana Abasi, MD Class of 2022
  2. Jennifer Acevedo, MPH Class of 2019
  3. Joshua Acklin, PhD candidate
  4. Alexandra Agathis, MD Class of 2021
  5. Danielle Agpalo, MPH Class of2019
  6. Zainab Ahmed, MD Class of 2020
  7. Amy Ahn, MD Class of 2021
  8. Monica Amoo-Achampong, MD Class of 2019
  9. Kweku Ampem-Darko, MD Class of 2022
  10. Cesar Andrade, MD Class of 2020
  11. Catalina Angel, MD Class of 2020
  12. Bree Arditi, MD/MSCR Class of 2019
  13. Alaina Aristide, MD Class of 2019
  14. Annie Arrighi-Allisan, MD Class of 2021
  15. Benjamin Asriel, MD Class of 2020
  16. Imaz Athar, MD Class of 2021
  17. Emily Bachner, MD Class of 2022
  18. Jennifer Bailey, MD Class of 2020
  19. Japjot Bal, MD Class of 2022
  20. Elisabeth Ball, MSBS Class of 2020
  21. Evan Bardot, PhD Class of 2019
  22. Christina Beck, MD Class of 2019
  23. Lucia Bederson, MD Class of 2022
  24. Anastasia Beldovskaya, MD Class of 2020
  25. Eva Berlin, MD Class of 2019
  26. Caroline Beyer, MD Class of 2019
  27. Lucy Bicks, PhD Class of 2020
  28. Anna Blazejowskyj, MD Class of 2020
  29. James Blum, MD Class of 2021
  30. Raia Blum, MD Class of 2021
  31. Priyanka Boddu, MD Class of 2022
  32. Benjamin Boodaie, MD Class of 2019
  33. Adam Bossert, MD Class of 2019
  34. Biobele Braide, MD Class of 2022
  35. Andrew Breglio, MD Class of 2019
  36. Erin Bresnahan, MD Class of 2020
  37. Julia Brown, PhD Class of 2019
  38. Libbey Brown, MD Class of 2019
  39. Mariela Cabrera, MD Class of 2022
  40. Brielle Cardieri, MD Class of 2020
  41. Oscar Carrillo, MD Class of 2021
  42. James Carter, MD/PhD Class of 2024
  43. Christian Cayon, MD Class of 2021
  44. Alison Celello, MD Class of 2019
  45. Mark Chan, MSBS Class of 2019
  46. Sandhya Chandrasekaran, MD/PhD Class of 2022
  47. Emily Chapman, MD Class of 2021
  48. Kieley Chapman, MD Class of 2019
  49. Dudley Charles, MD Class of 2021
  50. Deepa Chellappa, MD Class of 2019
  51. Steven Chen, MD/PhD Class of 2023
  52. Julia Cheng, MD Class of 2022
  53. Rossana Cheng, MD Class of 2021
  54. Kevin Cheung, MD Class of 2022
  55. Emma Chew Murphy, MD Class of 2019
  56. Mariah Chingee, MPH Class of 2019
  57. Leela Chockalingam, MD Class of 2019
  58. Sayeeda Chowdhury, MD/MPH Class of 2021
  59. Natalie Cohen, MD Class of 2019
  60. Phillip Cohen, MD/PhD Class of 2023
  61. Courtney Connolly, MD Class of 2021
  62. Alanna Cote, PhD Class of 2023
  63. Arielle Coughlin, MD Class of 2022
  64. Amanda Craig, PhD Class of 2019
  65. Cati Crawford, MD Class of 2019
  66. Ashley Cunningham, MSBS Class of 2020
  67. Eddie Cytryn, MD Class of 2020
  68. Megan D’Andrea, MD Class of 2021
  69. Dennis Dacarett-Galeano, MD/MPH Class of 2020
  70. Priya Dave, MD Class of 2022
  71. Jessica De Freitas, PhD Class of 2022
  72. Adrienne Dean, MPH Class of 2020
  73. Pamela Del Valle, PhD Class of 2023
  74. Eva DeLappe, MD Class of 2021
  75. Alexandra Dembar, MD Class of 2019
  76. Kristina Deonaraine, MSBS Class of 2019
  77. Fiona Desland, MD/PhD Class of 2021
  78. Kavya Devarakonda, PhD Class of 2021
  79. Francesca di Domenico, PhD Class fo 2021
  80. Jennifer Diaz, MD/PhD Class of 2021
  81. Rae Dong, MD/MPH Class of 2019
  82. Katherine Donovan, MD Class of 2021
  83. Eleni Drivas, MD Class of 2020
  84. James Duehr, PhD Class of 2019
  85. Sarah Duncan, MD Class of 2020
  86. Alexandra Dunn, MD/MPH Class of 2023
  87. Madison Edens, MD Class of 2020
  88. Anastasia Efthymiou, PhD Class of 2021
  89. Julie Eggenberger, PhD Class of 2021
  90. Chinasa Ekweremuba, MPH Class of 2020
  91. Randy Ellis, PhD Class of 2021
  92. Rebecca Ellis, MD Class of 2019
  93. Benjamin Ely, PhD Class of 2019
  94. Axel Yannick Epie, MD Class of 2022
  95. Meghana Eswarappa, MD Class of 2019
  96. Charlotte Ezratty, MD Class of 2020
  97. Isaac Faith, MSBS Class of 2020
  98. Jordyn Feingold, MD/MSCR Class of 2021
  99. Alec Feuerbach, MD Class of 2020
  100. Clara Fischman, MD/MSCR Class of 2019
  101. Katherine Foudy, MGC Class of 2020
  102. Conner Fox, MD Class of 2020
  103. Gabriela Frid, MD Class of 2022
  104. Emmeline Friedman, MD Class of 2020
  105. Jonathan Gabbay, MD Class of 2020
  106. John Gaipa, MD Class of 2020
  107. Harper Gany-Beitler, MD Class of 2021
  108. Katherine Garvey, MD Class of 2021
  109. Emma Geduldig, MD Class of 2020
  110. Jesse Gelles, PhD Class of 2019
  111. Caroline Gellman, MD Class of 2020
  112. Caroline Gentile, MD Class of 2021
  113. Helya Ghaffari, MD/PhD Class of 2020
  114. Sarah Gilbert King, PhD candidate
  115. Jana Gjini, MSBS Class of 2020
  116. Brittany Glassberg, MD Class of 2020
  117. Marisa Goff, PhD Class of 2023
  118. Brooke Gogel, MD Class of 2021
  119. Carla Golden, PhD Class of 2019
  120. Jingqi Gong, PhD Class of 2019
  121. Lucy Goodson, MD Class of 2019
  122. Sindhura Gopinath, PhD Class of 2021
  123. Aliza Green, MD Class of 2020
  124. Jeanie Gribben, MD Class of 2020
  125. Phillip Groden, MD Class of 2021
  126. Jennifer Grom, MD Class of 2019
  127. Nikita Gupta, MD Class of 2021
  128. Syed Haider, MD Class of 2019
  129. Rollie Hampton, MD/PhD Class of 2025
  130. Stephanie Hanchuk, MD Class of 2019
  131. Alisse Hannaford, MD Class of 2019
  132. Yonis Hassan, MD Class of 2020
  133. Leah Haykin, MD Class of 2020
  134. Gavriella Hecht, MPH Class of 2020
  135. Daniel Henrick, MD Class of 2022
  136. Derek Hilgers, MD Class of 2019
  137. Melissa Hill, MD Class of 2021
  138. Leeza Hirt, MD Class of 2022
  139. Melissa Ho, MD Class of 2020
  140. Daisy Hoagland, PhD Class of 2023
  141. Steph Hojsak, MD Class of 2021
  142. Benjamin Hong, MD Class of 2019
  143. Margaret Hung, PhD Class of 2022
  144. Zina Huxley-Reicher, MD Class of 2020
  145. Sigal Israilov, MD Class of 2020
  146. Chioma Iwelumo, MD Class of 2022
  147. Samantha Jacobs, MD Class of 2020
  148. Suraj Jaladanki, MD Class of 2022
  149. Ericka Jaramillo, MD Class of 2019
  150. Stephanie Jeong, MD Class of 2022
  151. Rui Jiang, MPH Class of 2020
  152. Lillian Jin, MD/MPH Class of 2019
  153. Carly Jones, MSBS Class of 2019
  154. Stefanie Joseph, MPH Class of 2020
  155. Denise Jurczyszak, PhD candidate
  156. Allison Kann, PhD candidate
  157. Derek Kao, MD/MSCR Class of 2023
  158. Catharine Kappauf, MD Class of 2020
  159. Alex Karol, MD Class of 2022
  160. Samuel Kase, MD Class of 2020
  161. Khushmit Kaur, MD Class of 2020
  162. Murad Khan, MD Class of 2019
  163. Farrah Khan, MD/MPH Class of 2019
  164. Sara Kiani, MD/MPH Class of 2023
  165. Monica Kim, MS Class of 2019
  166. Yoni Kirsch, MD Class of 2021
  167. Sophie Kligler, MD Class of 2022
  168. Clara Koo, MD Class of 2020
  169. Benji Kornbluth, MD Class of 2021
  170. Anna Kramer, PhD Class of 2022
  171. Adam Kraus, MD/MPH Class of 2020
  172. Hannah Krystal, MD Class of 2021
  173. Anirudh Kumar, MD/MPH Class of 2019
  174. Vedika Kumar, MD Class of 2021
  175. Meygan J Lackey, MD Class of 2020
  176. Michelle Lai, MD Class of 2021
  177. Marcia Lange, MD/MPH Class of 2022
  178. Andrew Leader, MD/PhD Class of 2022
  179. Irene Lee, MD Class of 2019
  180. Emma Lehmann, PhD Class of 2023
  181. Tin Leong, MD Class of 2022
  182. Rachel Levantovsky, MD/PhD Class of 2025
  183. Michael Leventhal, PhD Class of 2023
  184. Hazel Lever, MD/MPH Class of 2019
  185. Isaiah Levy, MD Class of 2019
  186. Letitia Li, MD Class of 2021
  187. Becky Li, MSBS Class of 2020
  188. Whitney Lieb, MSCR Class of 2020
  189. Tiffany Lim, MD Class of 2022
  190. Matthew Lin, MD/PhD Class of 2026
  191. Tracey Liu, MD Class of 2019
  192. Clifford Liu, MD/PhD Class of 2025
  193. Benjamin Liu, MD Class of 2021
  194. Sean Llewellyn, MD/PhD Class of 2019
  195. Katleen Lozada, MD Class of 2020
  196. Kelsey Lucerne, PhD Class of 2023
  197. Zoe Luscher, MD Class of 2019
  198. Hayley Lynch, MD Class of 2020
  199. Giselle Lynch, MD Class of 2019
  200. Seshat Mack, MD/PhD Class of 2022
  201. Sarah MacLean, MD Class of 2021
  202. Pratima Maharjan, MSCR Class of 2019
  203. Allison Mahon, MD Class of 2019
  204. Emma Makoba, MD Class of 2020
  205. Yash Maniar, MD Class of 2021
  206. Emily Markovic, MD Class of 2020
  207. Ivan Marquez, MD Class of 2019
  208. Kelsey Martin, MD Class of 2022
  209. Tyler Martinson, MD Class of 2022
  210. Anandita Mathur, MD Class of 2021
  211. Tucker Matthews, MD Class of 2020
  212. Maria Mavrommatis, MD Class of 2021
  213. Noor Maza, MD Class of 2020
  214. Tyler McChane, MD Class of 2021
  215. Joshua McGough, MS Class of 2019
  216. Rena Mei, MD Class of 2019
  217. Anthony Mell, MD Class of 2019
  218. Michael Miller, MD Class of 2021
  219. Angelica Minier-Toribio, PhD Class of 2023
  220. Anna-Luisa Mirto, MD/MPH Class of 2020
  221. Sarah Montgomery, PhD Class of 2021
  222. Claire Morley, MD Class of 2022
  223. Joe-Ann Moser, MD Class of 2019
  224. Grace Mosley, MD/PhD Class of 2022
  225. Jairo Munoz, MSBS Class of 2019
  226. Soo Jung Na, PhD Class of 2021
  227. Bar Nachmani, PhD Class of 2020
  228. Devika Nadkarni, MD Class of 2022
  229. Reema Navalurkar, MD Class of 2021
  230. Shikha Nayar, PhD candidate
  231. Erin Nekritz, PhD Class of 2020
  232. Daniel Newman, MD Class of 2021
  233. Christie Nguyen, MD/PhD Class of 2024
  234. Danielle Novack, MD Class of 2022
  235. Gloria Novikova, PhD Class of 2021
  236. Jeremy Nussbaum, MD Class of 2021
  237. Ted Obi, MD Class of 2022
  238. David Octeau, MD Class of 2022
  239. Elizabeth Odom, MD Class of 2019
  240. Haroun Ogun, PhD Class of 2021
  241. Yvonne Okaka, MD Class of 2019
  242. Kemi Okome, MD Class of 2022
  243. Akila Pai, MD Class of 2021
  244. Theodore Pak, MD/PhD Class of 2019
  245. Erica Palladino, MPH Class of 2019
  246. Jonathan Pan, MD Class of 2021
  247. Christopher Panebianco, PhD Class of 2022
  248. Andrew Pastor, MD Class of 2022
  249. Nidhi Patel, MPH Class of 2020
  250. Shravani Pathak, MD Class of 2021
  251. Aster Perkins, PhD Class of 2023
  252. Abby Pianelli, MD Class of 2020
  253. Sam Platt, MD Class of 2022
  254. Amara Plaza-Jennings, MD/PhD Class of 2024
  255. Natalie Plick, MD Class of 2022
  256. Samuel Powell, MD/PhD Class of 2023
  257. Cassandra Pruitt, MD Class of 2022
  258. Taylor Pullinger, PhD Class of 2023
  259. Lucia Qian, MD Class of 2019
  260. Rayees Rahman, PhD Class of 2019
  261. Julio Ramos, MD Class of 2021
  262. Aarti Rao, MD Class of 2020
  263. Molly Ratner, MD Class of 2019
  264. Peradeba Raventhirarajah, MPH Class of 2019
  265. Sanchita Raychaudhuri, MD Class of 2021
  266. Jamil Reja, MD Class of 2020
  267. Brian Rice, MD Class of 2020
  268. Felix Richter, MD/PhD Class of 2021
  269. Robert Rifkin, MD/PhD Class of 2019
  270. Rebecca Rinehart, MD Class of 2021
  271. Jessica Rizzuto, MD Class of 2019
  272. Ricardo Rodriguez Colon, MD Class of 2021
  273. Jacqueline Roig, MD Class of 2022
  274. Denisse Rojas, MD/MPP Class of 2021
  275. Christopher Root, MD Class of 2020
  276. Lucy Rose, MD Class of 2020
  277. Emma Rosenbluth, MD Class of 2020
  278. Isobel Rosenthal, MD Class of 2019
  279. Stephen Russell, MD Class of 2021
  280. Cindy Saenz, MD Class of 2020
  281. Miti Saksena, MSCR Class of 2020
  282. Allison Salk, MD Class of 2019
  283. Lodoe Sangmo, MD Class of 2021
  284. Nivedita Saxena, PhD Class of 2021
  285. Mollie Schear, MSBS Class of 2019
  286. Lilli Schussler, MD Class of 2021
  287. Steven Seegobin, MSBS Class of 2019
  288. Chirag Shah, MD Class of 2019
  289. Dhruv Shankar, MD Class of 2022
  290. Abdul Sheikh, MD Class of 2021
  291. Jennifer Shmukler, MD Class of 2023
  292. Devki Shukla, MD Class of 2021
  293. William Shuman, MD Class of 2021
  294. Alina Siddiqui, MD Class of 2022
  295. Neha Sikka, MD Class of 2020
  296. Lara Sokoloff, MD Class of 2021
  297. Sulaiman Somani, MD Class of 2021
  298. Anna Stacy, MD Class of 2022
  299. Lauren Stalbow, MD/PhD Class of 2024
  300. Emma Stanislawski, MD Class of 2021
  301. Samantha Stein, MD Class of 2021
  302. Hayley Strasburger, PhD Class of 2023
  303. Maria Suprun, PhD Class of 2021
  304. Wayne Sy, MD Class of 2020
  305. Lilly Taing, MD Class of 2022
  306. Jessica Tan, MD/PhD Class of 2023
  307. Dani Taubman, MD Class of 2019
  308. Collin Teague, PhD Class of 2023
  309. Jimmitti Teysir, MD Class of 2020
  310. Sahityasri Thapi, MD Class of 2021
  311. Jared Tishelman, MD Class of 2021
  312. Emily Tixier, MD Class of 2020
  313. Amanda Tomlinson, MD Class of 2021
  314. Michelle Tong, MD Class of 2022
  315. Rodrigo Torres, MD Class of 2019
  316. Michelle Tran, MD/PhD Class of 2026
  317. Jessica Tran, MD/MSCR Class of 2023
  318. Ugo Udogwu, MD Class of 2019
  319. Nick Upright, PhD Class of 2022
  320. Girish Valluru, MD/MSCR Class of 2022
  321. Camille Van Neste, MD/PhD Class of 2024
  322. Ruben Vega Perez, MD Class of 2022
  323. Lauren Vetere, PhD Class of 2023
  324. Helena Villalobos, MD/MSCR Class of 2019
  325. Stephanie von Csiky-Sessoms, MD Class of 2020
  326. Ariella Wagner, MSCR Class of 2019
  327. Eileen Wang, MD Class of 2021
  328. Leslie Warren, MD Class of 2020
  329. Colton Welch, MD Class of 2020
  330. Nadeera Wickramasinghe, PhD Class of 2020
  331. Rachel Wilkinson, MD Class of 2021
  332. Lauren Williams, MD Class of 2020
  333. Masrai Williams, MD Class of 2021
  334. Teddy John Wohlbold, MD/PhD Class of 2019
  335. Hope Xu, MD/MSCR Class of 2020
  336. Emmy Yang, MD Class of 2021
  337. Dong-han Yao, MD Class of 2019
  338. Hannah Young, PhD Class of 2023
  339. Sarah Zarrin, MD Class of 2019
  340. Bosi Zhang, MD Class of 2020
  341. Julia Zhao, PhD Class of 2022
  342. Anqi Zheng, MD Class of 2019
  343. Allen Zheng, MD/PhD Class of 2023
  344. Davis Zhou, MD Class of 2020
  345. Jacob Ziff, MD Class of 2021
  346. Gregory Zilberg, PhD Class of 2024

