Helen Martin
3 min readSep 30, 2015

Designer Baby Walking Shoes — Fashionable And Stylish

Shoes are one of the most important product that each one of us should give optimum attention to. Especially when it comes to choosing a shoe for your baby or for the toddler, it is important to take close note at the materials used in manufacturing of the shoe. It is important that the shoes are manufactured using materials that are skin friendly and that cause absolutely no harm to babies. It is important to choose a shoe that is made of breathable materials as well.

Baby walking shoes should ideally have soft soles and should be made of either cloth or canvas materials. Since it is the very first steps of the babies, it is important that the material is such that the growth and natural development of the baby’s feet is not interfered with. While choosing the shoes for the babies, it is important to see to it that there is adequate room at the top of the shoe to accommodate the feet of the baby. However, it is also important to ensure that the shoe is not loose, since loose shoes can slip out of the feet of the babies and may also result in the babies tripping over and falling.

Apart from the regular shoes, a number of designers are coming up with designer baby walking shoes, which can be worn for regular occasions as well as special occasions. A number of designers design shoes especially keeping in mind the age group and the developmental milestones and growth of the children in general, in a particular age, so that the child can be very comfortable and also so the shoe designed can assist the baby in growing and developing well. However, it is also important to check if the child is outgrowing the shoe size and if so, it is important to change the shoe into a right sized shoe. It is also equally important to choose a shoe with the right good grip.

It is important to choose the right toddler walking shoes, when the child turns one, since the child would have started walking around and there is no stopping, a very good pair of shoes has to be bought. It is important to buy shoes with a good supportive sole since the toddler’s heels would need extra support and cushioning. Additionally, the sole must also be firm but elastic, so there is enough bending motion while walking. It is very important to measure the child’s foot before buying the toddler shoe or at least making the baby try on the shoe to judge whether or not the shoe is of the right size. It is important for the shoe to be flexible and bend well, since stiff shoes can weaken the foot muscles. Another important thing to note is that if the shoe is loose or slips up and down, then there is a possibility that the friction caused can lead to foot blisters for the child.