7 Common Mistakes in Brand Identity Design and How to Avoid Them

Mohd Hammad Yousuf
7 min readJul 2, 2023
Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash

What if your brand identity is unintentionally driving customers away instead of attracting them? It’s a dilemma faced by countless businesses due to common mistakes in brand identity design. As Paul Rand, the legendary graphic designer, once said,

Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.

These words encapsulate the immense influence and significance of brand identity. In today’s competitive business landscape, a strong and captivating brand identity has become more crucial than ever before.

The purpose of me writing this article is to equip, you, the reader with valuable insights and practical knowledge on how to avoid the common mistakes that often plague brand identity design.

So let’s just get straight into it.

The 7 Common Mistakes

1. Lack of Research and Understanding

Research is the compass that guides design, illuminating the path to creating a brand identity that truly connects with its intended audience. Sadly, many brands overlook this crucial connection.

Understanding your target audience, market, and competitors is crucial. Without this knowledge, your design decisions…



Mohd Hammad Yousuf

MSc in Marketing. Luxury & Fashion Management. Co-founder at A3H Consultants. Here to share my views on business, football, cinema, and more.