Wait, ChatGPT Wants My Data Analyst Job? Hold My Coffee

6 min readFeb 11, 2024
Designed By Gemini

Okay, the AI hype machine is on full blast again. Every few months, someone declares this new AI tool is about to change how we do everything. Now everyone’s in a tizzy about this ChatGPT thing. I get it; it writes eerily human-like text and answers questions… sometimes even correctly.

But hold on. There are folks out there saying ChatGPT is gonna come for our data analyst jobs. Time to pack it in and learn to code self-driving trucks, right?

Let’s pump the brakes.

Can ChatGPT Do My Job? (Kinda, Maybe)

Alright, I’ll be the first to admit it — ChatGPT has definitely pulled off some stuff that made me do a double-take. Like seriously, what kind of robot sorcery is this? Here are a few examples:

  • Data Cleaning Wizard: This one’s both scary and awesome. Shove a horrendous excuse for a spreadsheet at it, and somehow it spits out something semi-organized. Misaligned columns? Fixed. Weird formatting? Sorted. It’s basically that intern you never had, magically cleaning up other people’s messes.
  • Report Whiz: Let’s be real, everyone hates report-writing day. ChatGPT might not deliver Pulitzer-worthy insights, but need a quick sales dashboard? Bam. Key trend visualizations? There ya go. A good starting point to jumpstart those repetitive and mind-numbing tasks.
  • Explainer-in-Chief: Okay, sometimes the human explaining Python functions just wants to make themselves sound smart. ChatGPT is weirdly clear with technical stuff. Sometimes too clear — makes you realize maybe you didn’t fully understand that concept.
  • The Accidental “Aha!” Moment: While some of its responses are generic, other times ChatGPT can spit out surprisingly relevant information or interesting ‘what-if’ analysis prompts. A spark of inspiration when you’re feeling stuck? Priceless.

Okay, maybe I’m getting a little too into this. The point is, that ChatGPT is undeniably useful. But breathe easy, your job is safe! Here’s why this shiny chatbot still can’t take your place.

AI Ain’t Got Your Nuance

  • Business Understanding? Not its Forte: Look, spreadsheets are just part of the gig. What makes you indispensable is that deep understanding of the company itself. Its goals, its weaknesses, the office politics whispering behind the numbers…ChatGPT wouldn’t get that from scrolling Wikipedia, but you live and breathe it every day.
  • Data Intuition? Ha!: You know that tingly feeling? The way a number seems too good to be true or subtly “off” just based on your industry experience? That’s your data Spidey-sense, and it’s invaluable. AI might blindly crunch bad data, but you’re the quality control that saves the day from embarrassing mistakes.
  • Storytelling? That’s YOUR Superpower: ChatGPT can spit out charts and graphs… but that’s not what sways decisions. It’s your ability to craft a narrative around the numbers — pointing out the “so what?” and translating data into action. Executives pay attention because you don’t just say what’s happening, you explain why it matters.
  • The Extra Edge: Spotting the BS: Let’s be real: sometimes even the data you gather internally is…questionable. Maybe there’s wishful thinking clouding those sales forecasts, or something fishy with how a metric is calculated. Your eye for inconsistencies and willingness to sniff out biased agendas separates you from any tech that takes information at face value.

Look, data insights are about way more than the tools or algorithms. It’s your deep business knowledge, intuition, and your ability to connect the dots into a compelling story that make you an MVP. No bot can touch those qualities.

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Not an Enemy, (Maybe) A Weird Sidekick

I’m not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows here. Data analysis is going to change. Instead of fearing ChatGPT, let’s think about how to use it:

  • Drafting Tedious Stuff: Remember that time you pulled an all-nighter because the marketing team needed that same basic analysis you did four months ago? Let ChatGPT spit out a rough draft that you tweak and polish up. Saves you from reinventing the wheel and probably avoids an eye-roll or two.
  • Code Helper: Don’t you hate wasting time digging through forums for that weird Python error message? Think of ChatGPT as your super-charged coding dictionary. Explain that pesky error in plain English, and often it’ll give a better starting point for troubleshooting than those snarky comments on StackOverflow.
  • Brainstorming Buddy: Okay, this one is kinda weird, but hear me out. Sometimes bouncing prompts or scenarios off ChatGPT helps open surprising lines of questioning for your analysis. Will its answers always be brilliant? Of course not, but they might nudge you into thinking about angles you hadn’t considered.
  • Warning: Fact-Checking Required: Don’t put blind faith in everything the bot spits out! You’re still the final line of defense when it comes to accuracy and making sense of the data. ChatGPT doesn’t care if it makes a mistake, but your reputation depends on being right.

The Future Looks Bright (If You Adapt)

Look, the best data analysts aren’t just spreadsheet jockeys. You’re problem solvers, communicators, and even business strategists. AI tools like ChatGPT might handle the grunt work, but that frees you up to do the higher-level thinking.

  • Embrace Storytelling…Because Robots Can’t: Look, spreadsheets mean nothing if they don’t answer the question, “So what?” Be the one who makes data sing, weaving those numbers into a persuasive narrative that highlights trends, forecasts opportunities, and ultimately gets decision-makers to act. This is where humans still crush ChatGPT (which, honestly, kinda sounds like a boring textbook).
  • Become the Domain Expert: AI Doesn’t Work Here: ChatGPT has an impressive general knowledge base, but it’s your in-depth understanding of your company that truly sets you apart. Dive into the nuances of the business and become an expert on its goals, pain points, and internal data quirks. That insight makes you valuable, regardless of new tech hitting the scene.
  • Hone Your Critical Eye: Trust, But Verify: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking, “ChatGPT said it, so it must be true.” Machines make mistakes, get fed bad data, and often miss subtle biases hidden in numbers. Your ability to identify anomalies, sniff out misinformation, and cross-check before presenting findings is going to become even more vital in the world of AI-generated results.

Doom and Gloom? Not On Your Watch

Look, being worried about the future is natural. But remember, data analysts who can think critically, communicate powerfully, and have deep business knowledge are gonna thrive. It’s a heck of a lot harder to automate those “soft skills” than it is to train a new chatbot. The trick is to view ChatGPT as a potential tool in your problem-solving toolkit while mastering the things that AI simply can’t replicate.




I love digging into data, making it clean, and turning it into beautiful pictures.