Parting Threads

Heather Morgan
1 min readOct 10, 2019
Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

Parting threads

Unwind the past

Did I think it would always last?

Warm, soft cloth

By my side stays

Is now a pile of yesterdays

Forgotten stitches

Sewn with care

Before unknown that they were there

Precious details

Stare back at me

All those things I did not see

Vivid color

Array of shade

Remember every movement made

Scissors sever

Golden link

I sit with wonder while I think

Parting threads

In half will part

And leave me with a nostalgic heart



Heather Morgan

I’m a writer who is niche-resistant, but I often write about self improvement, professional development, spirituality, and whatever else catches my attention.