For every 10K requests per second, how many CPUs, RAM, and EC2 instances are used?

Quân Huỳnh
2 min readJan 11, 2024

Assuming we build a website with a system load capacity of up to 10,000 RPS, the system is deployed on AWS. Calculate the CPU and Memory required for a virtual machine (EC2), and the relative number of EC2.

Note: the article is for reference.

CPU Calculation

We have a relative formula for the CPU:

RPS = Number of CPU * (1 / Task duration)
  • RPS: Requests per second
  • Number of cores
  • Task duration

From the formula above we get:

Number of CPU = RPS / (1 / Task duration) = RPS * Task duration

Assume a request takes 8ms to process:

Number of CPU = 10000 * 0.008 = 80

Memory Calculation

We have a relative formula for Memory:

RPS = (Total RAM / Task memory usage) * (1 / Task duration)
=> Total RAM = RPS * Task duration * Task memory usage

Assume a request takes 8ms to process and use 4GB:

Total RAM = 10000 * 0.008 * 4 = 320GB

Select EC2



Quân Huỳnh

I’m a technical blogger and love writing. I write about Kubernetes, AWS Cloud, and Terraform.