Dry Hit Vape: Common Causes and How to Prevent Burnt Hits

5 min readJun 6, 2024


What is a Dry Hit Vape

Definition of a Dry Hit

A dry hit occurs when you inhale on your vape device, and instead of getting a smooth, flavorful vapor, you experience a harsh, burnt taste. This happens because the wick inside the coil is dry, meaning it hasn’t been saturated with enough e-liquid. Without sufficient liquid, the coil overheats and burns the dry cotton, resulting in a very unpleasant sensation. This harsh, burnt taste is not only uncomfortable but can also be damaging to both the coil and your vaping experience.

The Science Behind Dry Hits

To understand why dry hits occur, it’s important to know how a vape device functions. Inside every vape device, there is a coil wrapped around a wick, usually made of cotton. The best vape juice is absorbed by this wick and then heated by the coil to produce vapor. When there isn’t enough e-liquid in the wick, the coil starts to burn the dry cotton instead of vaporizing the liquid. This is what causes the burnt taste associated with a dry hit.

Common Causes of Dry Hits

Several factors can lead to Dry Hit Vape, and understanding these can help you avoid them:

  1. Low E-liquid Levels: One of the most common causes of dry hits is simply running out of e-liquid. When the tank is empty or nearly empty, the wick can’t stay saturated, leading to dry hits.
  2. High Wattage Settings: Using a wattage that is too high for your coil can cause the e-liquid to vaporize faster than the wick can absorb it. This imbalance can lead to dry hits.
  3. Faulty Coils: Over time, coils can become worn out or damaged. A damaged coil might not wick properly, leading to dry hits. It’s important to regularly check and replace your coils.
  4. Improper Priming of Coils: When you install a new coil, it needs to be properly primed. This means soaking the wick with e-liquid and allowing it to sit for a few minutes before use. Failing to prime a new coil can result in immediate dry hits.

How to Hit a Vape Without Getting Dry Socket

Proper Vaping Techniques

Ensuring a smooth and enjoyable vaping experience requires using the right techniques. One key method to avoid dry hits is to take slower, longer draws instead of quick, sharp puffs. This allows the wick enough time to absorb the best vape juice, preventing it from drying out and causing a dry hit. Additionally, spacing out your draws gives the wick time to resaturate between hits.

Maintaining Your Vape Device

Regular maintenance of your vape device is crucial in preventing dry hits and ensuring longevity. Here are some tips to keep your device in top condition:

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean your tank and other components to prevent buildup of residue, which can affect performance. This includes rinsing the tank with warm water and occasionally cleaning the coil area with a dry cloth.
  • Checking for Wear and Tear: Inspect your coils and wicks regularly. Replace them when they show signs of wear or if you notice a decrease in performance. Using fresh coils ensures optimal wicking and vapor production.
  • Battery Care: Ensure your battery is in good condition and charged adequately. A weak battery can lead to inconsistent power delivery, which might cause dry hits.

Priming Your Coils

Priming your coils is a fundamental step to prevent dry hits, especially when using a new coil. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Drip E-Liquid on the Wick: Before installing the coil, drip a few drops of best vape juice directly onto the exposed cotton parts of the coil. This helps to pre-saturate the wick.
  2. Fill the Tank and Wait: After installing the primed coil and filling the tank with e-liquid, let the device sit for at least 5–10 minutes. This ensures the wick is thoroughly saturated before you start vaping.
  3. Start at a Lower Wattage: Begin vaping at a lower wattage than usual, gradually increasing to your preferred setting. This gentle start helps prevent the wick from burning before it is fully saturated.

Adjusting Power Settings

Using the correct power settings is essential to avoid dry hits. Different coils and e-liquids perform best at specific wattages or temperatures. Here’s how to find the right balance:

  • Check Manufacturer Recommendations: Most coils come with recommended wattage ranges. Stay within these limits to prevent burning the wick.
  • Adjust According to E-Liquid: High VG (vegetable glycerin) e-liquids are thicker and may require slightly higher power settings, while high PG (propylene glycol) e-liquids are thinner and vaporize at lower settings.
  • Experiment and Adjust: Start at the lower end of the recommended range and gradually increase the wattage until you find the sweet spot where you get optimal flavor without any burnt taste.

Are Dry Vape Hits Bad for You

Health Implications

Dry hits are more than just an unpleasant experience — they can have potential health implications as well. Inhaling burnt cotton and overheated best vape juice can irritate the throat and lungs, leading to coughing and discomfort. While occasional dry hits are unlikely to cause long-term harm, frequent exposure can exacerbate respiratory issues and lead to more significant irritation over time.

Taste and Experience

The primary impact of dry hits is on the overall vaping experience. A dry hit delivers a harsh, burnt taste that can be extremely unpleasant. This sharp contrast to the smooth, flavorful vapor you’re used to can make vaping less enjoyable. Regular dry hits can also ruin the taste of your e-liquid, making even the best vape juice taste burnt and unpleasant.

Damage to Vape Device

Repeated dry hits can also damage your vape device, particularly the coil. When the wick burns, it can leave residue on the coil, leading to reduced performance and a shorter lifespan. This means you’ll need to replace coils more frequently, which can be costly and inconvenient. Additionally, burnt wicks can affect the overall functionality of the device, leading to more frequent maintenance and potential replacement of parts.

Dry hits are a common issue in vaping that can significantly impact your vaping experience and device performance. Understanding what causes dry hits and how to prevent them is essential for any vaper. Key points to remember include:

  • Dry hits occur when the wick inside the coil is not properly saturated with e-liquid.
  • Common causes include low e-liquid levels, high wattage settings, faulty coils, and improper priming.
  • Proper vaping techniques, regular maintenance, priming coils, and adjusting power settings are crucial to avoid dry hits.

At AME, we specialize in providing the best vape wholesale options, including high-quality pods for vape and the best vape juice on the market. Whether you’re a retailer looking to stock the finest products or a vaper seeking premium supplies, we have everything you need. Visit our website today to explore our extensive catalog and discover why AME is the trusted choice for vape enthusiasts worldwide.

